This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Heart of a Canoeist
Tuesday, April 24, 2012 @ 9:15 AM

If life were to end tomorrow, what do you think you have done well and what have you not.

Looking back into my life, I'm glad I'm fortunate in most of the big things in my life - family being the most important, followed by education, great friends and thereafter people looking after me in my career.

Ever since the day I made the decision to experience hardship and grow, I have never looked back. I believe all that was in stored for me will aid me in my development of essential character building such as integrity, courage, and strength. To this date, I am glad with the way things turned out

I'm exceptionally proud of the fact that I am become a pro-active person, one who is able to take initiative to make things happen the way I envisioned it to be - Love SHarade for instance, my speakers for another instance. I am afraid in the past to go against the view by many people and thus afraid to make big decisions. However, from the execution of these events, I am convinced that my heart is set forth in the right direction, that I have the ability to execute what I deem as right, and correct in my point of view. To this date, I have enjoyed the fruit of these aspects.

I'm glad that as of today, given the philosophy imparted to me by Steve Jobs & Socrates, my personal values, wisdom and philosophy as, I would say on a higher value than the average individual. I am now better able to appreciate situation, gain situational awareness, as well as the ability to put myself to see in different perspective. I am better able to appreciate the workings of a big picture rather than think from the perspective of individualistic gains.

Yes I'm happy with every aspect of my life. I took up the role to be a navy officer in hopes that one day, I will be instilled with the value that characterizes one. Thank you for this.

And after all the successes that I have in my life, it is now time to discuss a tricky issue - That is, my love life. Sometimes being lead by your own imagination, will and thinking is a good thing - for no one has the right answers to live this world. By Socrates, "An unexamined life is not worth living." I have live by my own values and thinking, and to date, I remain as one of the most simple person. My intelligence comes from the fact that I am simple and willing to explore.

With regards to my love life, it will be considered as past and will never be revisited again. I have pursued my own beliefs and am satisfied to declare that today, I have officially proven that my definition of love stands different from everyone else. And because of this, I have learned a lot to these effects. Happy times, sad times, all I have been through it. Crossing through a state of depression, I now have heightened knowledge of what is to be. Everything has been worthwhile and worth it. Though a pity, I am glad that I have tried and said that I have done my best. There's no regret in whatever I have done. So once again, thank you to whoever that has been part of my experience - be it hardship or pain. It has been a worthwhile journey.

It is time that I continue my exploration in what is worthy of being explored.

So thank you. I am able to speak like I'm genuinely kenneth again. I seek to become an emotion less dependent on feelings. The idea isn't about not having so much feelings, but channeling your feelings into the right things. Thank you.

And I have a heart of a canoeist.