This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
A Shitty Story
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 9:11 PM
The world worst material has something to enlighten you.First of all, before anyone of u faint, let X be the subject involved.
I went to do my X business today, and I flush. Some X remains.
I waited a minute for the flush to restore its capacity before flushing. Still Some X remain.
Seeing a little bit of X left, I flush after 30 second, some X remain.
The process repeats itself
It left me thinking that, without the flush at full capacity no matter how little residue X leave behind, there's no way to really do it.
I waited a minute for the flush to restore its capacity before flushing. Still Some X remain.
Seeing a little bit of X left, I flush after 30 second, some X remain.
The process repeats itself
It left me thinking that, without the flush at full capacity no matter how little residue X leave behind, there's no way to really do it.
The morale of the story: You have to do it all or do it none. Half-hearted effort won't get you anywhere.
Having told Jun De about it first, his version of morale is : Ken is crazy.
Having told Jun De about it first, his version of morale is : Ken is crazy.
Many a times, I let the flush regained its capacity and many times, I tend to forget about the remaining X altogether. And your relatives, or friends, or anyone that know you, having enter the toilet and see X, they will come and lecture you one way or another for your carelessness. Nobody loves X. Similarly, when people who know you see that you have contact with X, that your life is really really X, they will come and teach you a thing or 2 about life.
So you know, no matter how you look at things, there bound to be a good thing about something for sure. Even something as undesirable as X, I guess it has its own merit, and its own morale to it. Let's look to the bright side of life, starting with X. The End. HAHA!
Labels: A Shitty Story
An Encounter with Fate
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
Fate has it stated:The host shall be, Kenneth, the author
The host shall have failure poured upon him
The host shall fall into a pit hole
The host shall fall into a pit hole again.
The host shall face the ugly side of nature
The host shall not have anything that goes his way
Fate: (what the ... ....? what's with this guy.)
Host: It never ceases to amaze me how stubborn you are. You're in my way! I'm just going to cut you and move on!
Fate: What the. I'm fate. I'm empty spaces. You can't cut me.
Host: Shut up! Save your breathe. You need it to scream when I start tearing off your empty spaces. Before you fall, let me tell you the name of the man whom you can never control. It's Kenneth.
Fate: !!!!!!!!
Host: Seemed like you don't understand. You're Fate. It's you I hate. Scram before it's too Late. Or you're DEAD!
.... Somehow, history has been proved, proven to repeat itself,
no matter how many times I fall,
no matter how many times you make me fall,
no matter how many times you mock at me.
I'll just gonna come back swinging.
I will only say it once
You will never have control over me
no matter how many times I fall,
no matter how many times you make me fall,
no matter how many times you mock at me.
I'll just gonna come back swinging.
I will only say it once
You will never have control over me
Labels: An Encounter with Fate
I Feel Powerful !
Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 10:26 PM
My previous post ain't depressing or emotional.
it's a form of enlightenment.
Somehow, it made me feel, powerful.
My previous post ain't depressing or emotional.
it's a form of enlightenment.
Somehow, it made me feel, powerful.
Labels: I Feel Powerful
Ping Pong Diplomacy
Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 8:36 PM

An Important Life Reflection
Sometimes the most important lesson that an event is trying to convey may be something that can appears to the least apparent. I have played close to a million points in ping pong, many trails and errors, many serve, many returns, many smashes and I have learned to play my style. Somehow, something inside me fails as a paddler. If anything, it actually took me more than a million point to finally understand what's behind ping pong. If I see ping pong as a sport that merely concentrates on giving good return, then I'm horribly wrong. Until today I realize I don't have what it takes to be a good paddler. The single and most important thing in Ping pong, is patient, and I don't have it. I have none of it. Relax, I need to relax. Anyone who has played with me long enough will have seen me lost my cool many a times, when nothing seemed to be going right. Yes, nothing has gone right for me. My opponents ain't tough. Their movement and returns are slow, so why can't I win. I think a lot, and I think and think. Maybe, I really ain't got the talents, in ping pong, in anything I deal with in life, even in canoeing, social, and in life. That has been my thoughts in recent months
Somehow, recently I read this manual on Wing Chun fighting technique, I came to realize to a lot of things. The secret to mastering anything, is by admitting that you do not know enough and you must dedicate time to it. It's true. I need to understand more about ping pong, so will you please tell me a bit about you at a time. Ping pong is more than just executing the strokes, its about condensing all the knowledge, understanding, love, passion, patience and training into every stroke you take. I have admitted, that I am noob in ping pong, that I have a lot to learn, that I have a long way to go, that I'm willing to concede defeat, and learn from my mistakes, to improve on where I stand, to get better, and improve. I'm not going to return to my old days of aggression, where I correct my mistakes with an even greater dose of aggression. I'm going to change, where every stroke that comes from me is built on a foundation of relaxation and concentration. I'm going to focus, and believe.
Just like the true meaning in ping pong is not easily seen, I guess my flaws are not easily deciphered. However, now I know. All this yearning to get better, to grow stronger, and the desire to shake away the feeling of inferiority have led me to belittle others and not willing to accept defeat to others whom I see as being inferior to me., and sadly, I have a character that is increasing classifying a lot of people as being inferior to me. Somehow, this ain't me, but perhaps the environment that made me desire and hunger for power so much, I'm transforming. All this desire for power, has inevitably morph into an unquenchable form of ego that have blinded my vision. Unknowingly,
I have became an egoistic person.
I'm not going to get too upset about all this inconvenient truth. If anything about all this that I have said is true, then I guess I will have to agree that
I have always thought that my inability to get better at ping pong is the lack of talent, but in reality its a much deeper flaw that is in existence within me, and growing, if not for ping pong I would never have live to realize. All this is going to go, every smack that I take, I'm gonna smack away all this toxins and I'm gonna believe! Every smack that I take, I'm going to be an improved person, and I know at the end of the day, I would have realize that, there's a lot a lot more for me to learn.
And I believe everything in life is going to follow the same principle. Relax, spend time, and understand. Understand, spend time, relax. Without knowing how to relax, we will never be able to see the true reality to the environment that we're living, interacting and actively contributing to.
To all those who have patiently survive through this long post, I hope that you have learned a thing or 2. Learn to relax
Now then, what's next I wonder ... ...
Somehow, recently I read this manual on Wing Chun fighting technique, I came to realize to a lot of things. The secret to mastering anything, is by admitting that you do not know enough and you must dedicate time to it. It's true. I need to understand more about ping pong, so will you please tell me a bit about you at a time. Ping pong is more than just executing the strokes, its about condensing all the knowledge, understanding, love, passion, patience and training into every stroke you take. I have admitted, that I am noob in ping pong, that I have a lot to learn, that I have a long way to go, that I'm willing to concede defeat, and learn from my mistakes, to improve on where I stand, to get better, and improve. I'm not going to return to my old days of aggression, where I correct my mistakes with an even greater dose of aggression. I'm going to change, where every stroke that comes from me is built on a foundation of relaxation and concentration. I'm going to focus, and believe.
Just like the true meaning in ping pong is not easily seen, I guess my flaws are not easily deciphered. However, now I know. All this yearning to get better, to grow stronger, and the desire to shake away the feeling of inferiority have led me to belittle others and not willing to accept defeat to others whom I see as being inferior to me., and sadly, I have a character that is increasing classifying a lot of people as being inferior to me. Somehow, this ain't me, but perhaps the environment that made me desire and hunger for power so much, I'm transforming. All this desire for power, has inevitably morph into an unquenchable form of ego that have blinded my vision. Unknowingly,
I have became an egoistic person.
I'm not going to get too upset about all this inconvenient truth. If anything about all this that I have said is true, then I guess I will have to agree that
"what get us into trouble is not what we don't know, is what we known for sure that just ain't so."
I have always thought that my inability to get better at ping pong is the lack of talent, but in reality its a much deeper flaw that is in existence within me, and growing, if not for ping pong I would never have live to realize. All this is going to go, every smack that I take, I'm gonna smack away all this toxins and I'm gonna believe! Every smack that I take, I'm going to be an improved person, and I know at the end of the day, I would have realize that, there's a lot a lot more for me to learn.
And I believe everything in life is going to follow the same principle. Relax, spend time, and understand. Understand, spend time, relax. Without knowing how to relax, we will never be able to see the true reality to the environment that we're living, interacting and actively contributing to.
To all those who have patiently survive through this long post, I hope that you have learned a thing or 2. Learn to relax
Now then, what's next I wonder ... ...
(P.S. to this dear friend of mine who is still dwelling on bgr matters, all I have to say is, Relax, and see the big picture. Admit that we have a lot more to learn and we ain't that good, and we won't feel bad having to make mistakes, having to disappoint people and having to fail over and over again. Relax and you'll pick up indefinitely. Start relaxing and continue believing!)
Labels: Ping Pong Diplomacy (An Important Life Reflection)
The GrassSweeper
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 @ 5:15 PM
I need to release! I rejected all pleas from my classmate to play soccer to complete my desired 6 rounds standard canoeist circuit. It wasn't easy of course, nobody said it was. On my 4th round, on my pull up station, I'm dying. I stop to catch my breathe and I saw this uncle, sweeping all the leaves and the synthetic rubber away. So I approached him
ken: Hey long time no see.
uncle: Yes yes, how you doing. Long time no see you
ken: Competition's over. Not showing up in the morning already
uncle: Oh.
ken: Can I ask, why do you bother sweeping everything away
uncle: That's my job
ken: You can still do your job, by just sweeping the top layer away, it's not worth it to sweep even the synthetic rubber. I mean you can, but they'll still pile up the next day
uncle: Everyday is a new day. My job here is to ensure that everyday starts clean, no matter how awful they get. And, do you do things because its worth it or because you desire to do it?
ken: ...
uncle: how many things is there that you can get maximum result through minimal effort. even if you do, the outcome won't be the best either.
I guess it's true. There's no satisfaction in giving minimal and attaining the optimal. And just how many people out there that is willing to go the extra mile, to put in maximum effort and reap little or no effort. I guess what's important, at the end of the day, we just can't let ourselves down and at the end of this chapter in our lives, we mustn't regret. Everything is worth fighting for. Everyday, everything should start clean, like the area near the pull up bar, the school and every thing, no matter how minute, how insignificant, how worthless. Earlier on, I said the worst thing on Earth is having to fight a battle you know that can never be won but you still have to fight it. I have an answer to it. That's not the worst thing.
The worst thing, is not having any chance to fight any battle.
uncle: Yes yes, how you doing. Long time no see you
ken: Competition's over. Not showing up in the morning already
uncle: Oh.
ken: Can I ask, why do you bother sweeping everything away
uncle: That's my job
ken: You can still do your job, by just sweeping the top layer away, it's not worth it to sweep even the synthetic rubber. I mean you can, but they'll still pile up the next day
uncle: Everyday is a new day. My job here is to ensure that everyday starts clean, no matter how awful they get. And, do you do things because its worth it or because you desire to do it?
ken: ...
uncle: how many things is there that you can get maximum result through minimal effort. even if you do, the outcome won't be the best either.
I guess it's true. There's no satisfaction in giving minimal and attaining the optimal. And just how many people out there that is willing to go the extra mile, to put in maximum effort and reap little or no effort. I guess what's important, at the end of the day, we just can't let ourselves down and at the end of this chapter in our lives, we mustn't regret. Everything is worth fighting for. Everyday, everything should start clean, like the area near the pull up bar, the school and every thing, no matter how minute, how insignificant, how worthless. Earlier on, I said the worst thing on Earth is having to fight a battle you know that can never be won but you still have to fight it. I have an answer to it. That's not the worst thing.
The worst thing, is not having any chance to fight any battle.
In Search Of Sunrise
Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 9:28 PM
So then let me conclude:The Search For Sunrise
There's no need to
I'd already seen it
It's more than enough for me
For all that happen
I'm contented, that
Things turn out this way
I can't ask for more
I'm happy
As long as you are
I don't expect anything, really
As long as you're happy
If anything
Don't worry about me
There's no need to
I'd already seen it
It's more than enough for me
For all that happen
I'm contented, that
Things turn out this way
I can't ask for more
I'm happy
As long as you are
I don't expect anything, really
As long as you're happy
If anything
Don't worry about me
Labels: In Search Of Sunrise
@ 9:07 PM
It's possible, anything is possible, if you believe it. You can't get any further you know. All I see in you, is fear.
"When you protect, you're afraid to let them die. When you dodge, you're afraid to get cut. When you cut, you're afraid to cut them."
Nothing can be born of fear. You need to cast your fear aside, and focus. You don't need to know how to. You just need to try.
"When you dodge, you won't get cut. When you protect, you won't let them die. When you cut, you'll cut them."
It's adapted from the manga/anime : Bleach. On the surface, it may look like another typical kill and slash show, but underneath, it may be the works of countless inspiration and thoughts going behind the scene. I, for one, have used those same words to console those who have lost their will to win in canoeing, lost their drive to excel in studies, lost the spirit in life to live. I just want to say, don't be scared. If only you understand that fear is darkness and rain in your inner self, only then you will start to walk out of fear and understand what's behind your flesh, what's in your heart, realise what that is in you.
Labels: Fear
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 4:20 PM
Thought of something I want to achieve as TPJCians.
[T]ennis, [P]ing Pong, [J]okes, [C]anoeing Students.
Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
[T]ennis, [P]ing Pong, [J]okes, [C]anoeing Students.
Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
Labels: TPJC
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
When will the past cease to be of importance...
Labels: Sigh
Emotions Are Useless
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 11:00 PM
A Darkness That Never Sets, A Sun That Never RiseIt's been too long since I posted. I did nothing but Art & Craft the last 2 days and I'm done with it for another 1 fortnight to come. So actually, I came to realize I got no artistic talent as I progress, nothing works to my liking, tape won't stick, paper fly here fly there and those stupid things can't stay where they're glued. The resultant outcome was but a fraction of my original plan, design at least. So then, I have some mood for poetry to conclude the end of this chapter in my life.
"Sometimes, certain things that you do,
There can be no sunrise to look forward to
Keeps me wondering out of the blue
Some dreams just refuse to come true
Trying to keep hopes high
Thinking about it makes you feel so blind
Convinces about the need to draw a fine line
Between dreams and reality or else really you'll die
No Doubt, you're into something real
Securing something you hold most dear
Your Heart and Goals may be clear
The outcome may still make you fall back on beer
Rising up against all odds
Despite crossing many road blocks
We work, conquer, and fight like dogs
Yet the final decision ultimately lies with God
A new day has finally begun
A new opportunity to move on and run
No matter how badly we might have flunk
I'm still gonna scream, "FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN" at the top of my lungs"
I wonder what's up with Happiness. I've successfully comprehended all theory and alternative science to the notion of staying happy. "Given that neither Happiness nor Sadness changes anything, Given that every day is a passing of life, why not pick happiness, why not live life fruitfully." I've heard enough. Let's move on in life. Let the past cease to be of importance. After all, Emotions are useless
Labels: Emotions are useless
Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 6:42 PM
If there was no jealousy
I wouldn't be counting sheep at night
I won't be looking for the exit
My eyes won't wonder
If there was no jealousy
I would be watching races
I would be exchanging pointers
I would be praising others
If there was no jealousy
I'll face up with reality
And admit I'm inferior
That I'm nothing to begin with
If there was no jealousy
There won't be fear
I won't feel inadequate
I won't feel discontentment
If there was no jealousy
I'll be the world happiest person
Happy for others
Happy for their achievements
If there was no jealousy
I would not have known cherishing
I would not have known importance
Of seeing something I don't have
If there was no jealousy
I won't be here typing
I won't be here posting
For there won't be me
Labels: I am jealous
Let's Get Serious, Seriously
Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 4:08 PM
So Let's Get Serious, Seriously
Until today, no matter how bad things become, I still remember this saying by Albert Gore . When things goes from bad to worst, there's often nothing done in between. It's a new season, of sweat, of perseverance, of determination and of stress. I have only less than 6 months to prove myself. So then let's get serious, seriously. I love studying, so then why can't I express that love through practical...?
While thinking of the factors affecting Price Elasticity = Substitute, Income Spent on Good, Time Period, Uses of the Good, Possibility of New Consumers, I thought of this.
Factors affecting Friendship. I shall call it Friendship Development Index(FDI)? HAHA.
The factors are namely
- Amount of common interest with friends
- Amount of time you can be in contact with the friend
- How much things you share with your friends (Assuming that you treat people the way you want to be treated holds true)
- Character Types (Compliment or Conflicting)
- Similarity of Personal Principles
- Religion
- How much time spend in MSN/Facebook(You can't deny internet is a growing phenomenon in friendships)
- How much do you know about them
- Blah Blah Blah
- CCA! (Most important for me. Evidence - Ignatius, Muhammad, Xavier , Rong Xuan, Jin Wen, Wei Liat, John, Wei Jia, Christine, Calista, Winnie, Wei Wen)... ... in fact, all uh. We've gone through thick and thin together. Evidence - TPJCanoeist 08/09.
P.S. I dreamt that I'm a genius quite often. : ) To those that don't disagree, please don't deface my tagboard please.
Until today, no matter how bad things become, I still remember this saying by Albert Gore . When things goes from bad to worst, there's often nothing done in between. It's a new season, of sweat, of perseverance, of determination and of stress. I have only less than 6 months to prove myself. So then let's get serious, seriously. I love studying, so then why can't I express that love through practical...?
While thinking of the factors affecting Price Elasticity = Substitute, Income Spent on Good, Time Period, Uses of the Good, Possibility of New Consumers, I thought of this.
Factors affecting Friendship. I shall call it Friendship Development Index(FDI)? HAHA.
The factors are namely
- Amount of common interest with friends
- Amount of time you can be in contact with the friend
- How much things you share with your friends (Assuming that you treat people the way you want to be treated holds true)
- Character Types (Compliment or Conflicting)
- Similarity of Personal Principles
- Religion
- How much time spend in MSN/Facebook(You can't deny internet is a growing phenomenon in friendships)
- How much do you know about them
- Blah Blah Blah
- CCA! (Most important for me. Evidence - Ignatius, Muhammad, Xavier , Rong Xuan, Jin Wen, Wei Liat, John, Wei Jia, Christine, Calista, Winnie, Wei Wen)... ... in fact, all uh. We've gone through thick and thin together. Evidence - TPJCanoeist 08/09.
P.S. I dreamt that I'm a genius quite often. : ) To those that don't disagree, please don't deface my tagboard please.
Labels: Let's get serious, seriously
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 11:40 PM
J1 Orientation 2009
What i once thought was the worst thing in life did not turn out so bad after all. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. I don't really know what to say. It's tough to see my 1st batch of junior just go by like that. I have no benchmark to compare to. If they're the 1st benchmark, I would say they're wonderful. The journey is like seeing babies struggling, learning their rope, fighting to lead the pack, struggling to break boundaries, and going against all odds.Seeing them cycling around lightens my heart. For Vajda: Kelvin, Zheng Yong, Sheng Qian, Jessie, Vernissa.
It's tough, with a sting sometimes when I look back. Most of the people whom I'm closed with usually ask me this at least once : Why am I so emotionally? Why am I placing so much emotions into everything I do and engage. Is it even necessarily?I shall apathetically stressed again that Emotions are useless. They blur your thoughts and kills your vigor/ All this feeling are man-made: the feeling of longing; the feeling of desiring and the ill feeling of departure. Why bother so much? The last tiger will mourn over its death.
I have been alone for 16 years of my life. What difference it makes to be for another year?
It's tough, with a sting sometimes when I look back. Most of the people whom I'm closed with usually ask me this at least once : Why am I so emotionally? Why am I placing so much emotions into everything I do and engage. Is it even necessarily?I shall apathetically stressed again that Emotions are useless. They blur your thoughts and kills your vigor/ All this feeling are man-made: the feeling of longing; the feeling of desiring and the ill feeling of departure. Why bother so much? The last tiger will mourn over its death.
I have been alone for 16 years of my life. What difference it makes to be for another year?
*I'm not emotional, but still thanks for just being around*
Labels: J1 Orientation 2009
A Glimpse of Silent Death
Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 8:17 PM
A Glimpse of Silent Death
I took a step back, retreated to take the shuttlecock taking a trajectory above my head when my leg encountered something hard and the next moment, I'm seeing Mr Chew massaging my palm, asking if I can experience pain. Left hand no, right hand YES! What the hell happened? What on earth happened? Time and dizziness followed me till lunchtime, and even now as I'm back home. I tried to lie down flat on the bench, when I realized the back of my head is leaning against something hard, something sharp and piercing. I tried to remove the rock with my own hands but there isn't anything there. I lie down again, I felt the stinging again. I try to feel my head before realizing that there's a flower(开花) there. I'd actually lost conscious, for 1 minute I heard? I lost sense of my surroundings. I can't even feel the impact on my palm and head. It's a painless fall.
There wasn't even a scene where I'm presented a chance to struggle my way through. I feel like if I have a body but without blood, an electronic item without battery, a swimming pool without water, a computer without windows and a human without soul. I always thought I have a soul, weak in nature, but high in willpower. Struggle through 2.4, struggle through exams, struggle in everything I do, struggle against all odds and adversity yet in such a case my struggle meant nothing.
I have been convinced that, Life's short and unpredictable, don't spend your days being sad or doing something worthless. Go out see the Sun, feel the air and get a life and enjoy it. No matter how rich, how influential one can become, in the end when you die, it's really all the things that you really wanted to do and all the right things you have done that makes you happy, not money nor reputation. Those are fool's glory.
Stupid Muhammad. You say those people who fall on their head only end up dumber. I'm gonna show and proof to you that I can fall and emerge a Kenneth Einstein. Worst still, Einstein today, Newton tomorrow, Bill Gates the day after tomorrow, Shakesphere .... might even end up transforming into a cartoon character : hopefully Dexter, not powerpuff girls. >.<
Oh well life's good. I'm still alive and kicking. Lucky I listened to the song titled "Break My Fall" the day before. I've seen worst, those moments where a fish ball nearly had me, and those moments where lightning flashed at me. *BE WARNED* If you're gonna flash at me without my permission again, I'm gonna flash back at you. We'll both end up free of packaging then. Hoho. Lame joke lame joke!
There wasn't even a scene where I'm presented a chance to struggle my way through. I feel like if I have a body but without blood, an electronic item without battery, a swimming pool without water, a computer without windows and a human without soul. I always thought I have a soul, weak in nature, but high in willpower. Struggle through 2.4, struggle through exams, struggle in everything I do, struggle against all odds and adversity yet in such a case my struggle meant nothing.
I have been convinced that, Life's short and unpredictable, don't spend your days being sad or doing something worthless. Go out see the Sun, feel the air and get a life and enjoy it. No matter how rich, how influential one can become, in the end when you die, it's really all the things that you really wanted to do and all the right things you have done that makes you happy, not money nor reputation. Those are fool's glory.
Stupid Muhammad. You say those people who fall on their head only end up dumber. I'm gonna show and proof to you that I can fall and emerge a Kenneth Einstein. Worst still, Einstein today, Newton tomorrow, Bill Gates the day after tomorrow, Shakesphere .... might even end up transforming into a cartoon character : hopefully Dexter, not powerpuff girls. >.<
Oh well life's good. I'm still alive and kicking. Lucky I listened to the song titled "Break My Fall" the day before. I've seen worst, those moments where a fish ball nearly had me, and those moments where lightning flashed at me. *BE WARNED* If you're gonna flash at me without my permission again, I'm gonna flash back at you. We'll both end up free of packaging then. Hoho. Lame joke lame joke!
In Search Of Sunrise
Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 10:50 PM
One More Time
I'm seriously a bad person at multi tasking, or multi anticipation
Nationals is coming up, I can't really do anything
When I train, I can't study
When I play, I can't train
When I study, I can't train nor play.
Now orientation coming, it's bad.
Sorry Maddy, Sorry Zane. If only I'm more able. So you can put the blame on me. Say you can put the blame on me, say you can put the blame on me, and you can put the blame on me.
Nationals is coming up, I can't really do anything
When I train, I can't study
When I play, I can't train
When I study, I can't train nor play.
Now orientation coming, it's bad.
I have nothing more to look forward to, only be reminded by the failed effort of my anticipated design. I have nothing more than a mere pawn to this grand scheme(sigh) It's nothing new anyway. I'm not good and never will be good at these things, just like some things will never work for me in life.
Oh well, when it's past, I'll get back to studies.Sorry Maddy, Sorry Zane. If only I'm more able. So you can put the blame on me. Say you can put the blame on me, say you can put the blame on me, and you can put the blame on me.
Sorry to my class, no more BIG activities including things like inter house games or such nonsense. I don't get the logic why you all can not think about it until the day itself. Before anything that requires active effort on my part, I really need like a week or 2 before to really think about it. Be it competition, class presentation, and oh, Egypt trip morning assembly presentation, I can spend like 1 week to anticipate them.
I really need time to be alone and focus. I have nothing special about me, I have no special gift. My only single ability is to devote all my energy on one specified single task at a time. I need to focus on what's important and get back on track. I need to focus. I needed a break.
I really need time to be alone and focus. I have nothing special about me, I have no special gift. My only single ability is to devote all my energy on one specified single task at a time. I need to focus on what's important and get back on track. I need to focus. I needed a break.
The North's Pole's Cold, The South Pole's Dangerous
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @ 10:49 PM
The North's Pole's Cold, The South Pole's DangerousA Recollection of the Past, A reinforcement of Goals.
You may say I do not understand the pressure for someone to do well in an examination. There are many reasons and on the personal level, you need to do well to attain your dreams, self-esteem, pride, superiority and character development. On a environmental level, you have the school's expectation to meet, meeting the value paid by your parents as school fee, peer pressure but most importantly, you may be used as a tool for comparison with other people son or daughters.
I hate to see people being so unhappy. Sometimes I find my effort to help them backfire because they think I'm not in their shoes. Their family has everyone in the universities, not to mention their friends and beyond. True. I don't live in such a environment where my parents look down on me so much because I haven't graduated from an University. I don't understand their reasons nor their logic. I have no hard feelings to accept the blame for being so insensitive as to try to console and handle your emotions and stress.
It may not have been so apparent to me in the previous years but every level I progress the stakes seem so get higher. I'm used to receiving praises, for topping the charts in my primary and secondary school days. When word goes around that I'm in a Junior College, it seems that I'm the only one who can rival the highest standing education in my entire family roots: Raffles Junior College. I don't know how you will receive this argument but, I doubt you'll ever be in my shoes that, it feels no better to have no 1 else who is a better candidate apart from you to enter the university. What then would you say?
I have a price on my head. So why am I doing all this? Trying to get your attention, trying to run away from reality through ping pong and doing everything else unnecessary. I'm not confident that I'm completely equipped and prepared to win this war neither can I run nor parley. If canoeing has ever taught me a thing or 2, it has taught me that, winning is not a thing to hope but something to fight for. I can't even hit 1:35:00, who would pity me for not being able to get into finals and not winning. Either way, I better drop my paddle, my bat, my racket and my procrastination and get down to something real.
Strangely. Why am I not feeling the heat from all the stress that is building up. Am I past caring or am I just ignorant. It's time to stop joking around to be serious. Be serious Kenneth for the mark of a true man is built on the foundation on seriousness and focus, not lame jokes and humor. So then let's be serious, seriously.
I hate to see people being so unhappy. Sometimes I find my effort to help them backfire because they think I'm not in their shoes. Their family has everyone in the universities, not to mention their friends and beyond. True. I don't live in such a environment where my parents look down on me so much because I haven't graduated from an University. I don't understand their reasons nor their logic. I have no hard feelings to accept the blame for being so insensitive as to try to console and handle your emotions and stress.
It may not have been so apparent to me in the previous years but every level I progress the stakes seem so get higher. I'm used to receiving praises, for topping the charts in my primary and secondary school days. When word goes around that I'm in a Junior College, it seems that I'm the only one who can rival the highest standing education in my entire family roots: Raffles Junior College. I don't know how you will receive this argument but, I doubt you'll ever be in my shoes that, it feels no better to have no 1 else who is a better candidate apart from you to enter the university. What then would you say?
I have a price on my head. So why am I doing all this? Trying to get your attention, trying to run away from reality through ping pong and doing everything else unnecessary. I'm not confident that I'm completely equipped and prepared to win this war neither can I run nor parley. If canoeing has ever taught me a thing or 2, it has taught me that, winning is not a thing to hope but something to fight for. I can't even hit 1:35:00, who would pity me for not being able to get into finals and not winning. Either way, I better drop my paddle, my bat, my racket and my procrastination and get down to something real.
Strangely. Why am I not feeling the heat from all the stress that is building up. Am I past caring or am I just ignorant. It's time to stop joking around to be serious. Be serious Kenneth for the mark of a true man is built on the foundation on seriousness and focus, not lame jokes and humor. So then let's be serious, seriously.
At World's End
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ 10:20 PM
I learned something:
Life's like a Roller Coaster.
When your form is down, you're going uphill
Every task given to you will be an uphill task
Things will never go right for you.
When your form is right, you're be going downhill
Every task will flow smoothly, with minimal effort, you'll set things in motion
Even those that you try to reject, it comes to you, and you'll handle it
Even in Blackjack, with 19 points, you'll still scored a 2 and it will be yours
Some people can just get so lucky
Them and their form
They get everything they want and take things for granted
And things still go with them, and they take it with a stench of arrogance
Be it grades, academic or money
I wonder where's mine share of luck
And my form
When everything seems to be going uphill
I wanna reverse, so that I will just get a chance to go downhill
And feel that form, feel that luck and that experience for myself
To those people who's luck and form is with you
You're always going downhill
You're journeying down to the center of the Earth
You're reaching hell soon.
Without sarcasm, good luck to you*fingers crossed*
Life's like a Roller Coaster.
When your form is down, you're going uphill
Every task given to you will be an uphill task
Things will never go right for you.
When your form is right, you're be going downhill
Every task will flow smoothly, with minimal effort, you'll set things in motion
Even those that you try to reject, it comes to you, and you'll handle it
Even in Blackjack, with 19 points, you'll still scored a 2 and it will be yours
Some people can just get so lucky
Them and their form
They get everything they want and take things for granted
And things still go with them, and they take it with a stench of arrogance
Be it grades, academic or money
I wonder where's mine share of luck
And my form
When everything seems to be going uphill
I wanna reverse, so that I will just get a chance to go downhill
And feel that form, feel that luck and that experience for myself
To those people who's luck and form is with you
You're always going downhill
You're journeying down to the center of the Earth
You're reaching hell soon.
Without sarcasm, good luck to you*fingers crossed*
Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 8:42 PM
Canoeist ColumnYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: If you're not in TPJCanoeist, you won't understand
Operation : Liming Ignatius(Lime ---> Suan ---> To Make Sour ---> Disturb)
Conversation #1:
Ken :I have a way of how u can get A for All subjects
Ignatius: How
Ken: U just need a bit of my brain
Ignatius: Then I guess i will fail all subjects
Ken : ...................
Ignatius : You need mine, Cells of a genius
Kenneth : I will become retarded.
Kenneth : NONO !!! You will have another competitor for Christine.
Ignatius : .....
GRRRRRRRRRRRR at Christine. I shall not post what she type.
Oh well. Freaking cute conversation.
Conversation #2:
Kenneth: Ignatius. I'm going to make you drool when you see Christine
Ignatius: WTH
Kenneth: If Christine wears Lightning earring makes her fast, I'm gonna make her wear Chilli Paddi Earrings.
By Demons Be Driven
@ 6:49 PM
HAHA. so actually i spent 4 hours on Normal Distribution yesterday.~ I feel so guilty for not being able to turn up for canoeist meeting today. What a bad luck. I had argued with my mom over turning up for meeting yesterday instead of attending family dinner and things ended off badly. Not that I wanted to argue with her, but I just want to have a share to play over the shirt that I wanted to finish so badly. I was told later that meeting was canceled. Well, I can't go back to attend the family dinner. My mom's mood is literally inaccessible and so I ended up rotting at home(again).
HAHA. My mom pulled me for leg reflexology today afternoon. Oh well, I can't reject it a 2nd time can I? Hmmm. Oh well. The condition of allocative efficiency holds true : It's impossible to make someone better off without making someone worst off.
So then I discover a key breakthrough towards unlocking my life for the better, for the phenomenal. I'm always deemed as a super unlucky person and throughout this month it's specially so. Be it Defense of the Ancient(DoTA), Friends Relation handling, Catching bus, Keeping notes and uh Orientation shirt. Orientation shirt is classic. I really hate to admit it's purely because of my inexperience and naivety. I do believe a major part of it is given my super unlucky side to me. Oh well anyway, this kind of luck is going down !!! How is this being achieved :
Fight fire with fire!!
In GP I attempted this question : Luck does not exist. People determine their own life. My GP Teacher highlighted to me that luck is the natural occurence while determine is human control. Natural occurence is luck. The answers towards unluckiness might as well lies deep within the boundaries of natural occurence : (... ... Law of Attraction.)
HAha. Lame enough? Nevermind your comment. I'm gonna imagine for the better : )
Lian Yong Bao (Lotus Bun Paste)
Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Lian Yong Bao(Lotus Bun Paste)
Today I had this opposite of Red Bean Bun for dinner. As I'm chewing it, it makes me wonder why am I liking such sweet stuffs. Do I like it just because it's sweet? Supposedly, if the manufacturer is health conscious and come up with REDUCED Sugar bun, will I still like it?
...draws a thought
...About relationship?
You get drawn to a person when love's high and it's sweet. When the sweetness is gone, will you still look after the person so much like you used to? It resembles the bun isn't it? It's sad but cute in a way. HAHA!
"Now that you love me, you treat me very nice. One day when you don't, will you still continue to do so?" I guess you got your answer now.
...draws a thought
...About relationship?
You get drawn to a person when love's high and it's sweet. When the sweetness is gone, will you still look after the person so much like you used to? It resembles the bun isn't it? It's sad but cute in a way. HAHA!
"Now that you love me, you treat me very nice. One day when you don't, will you still continue to do so?" I guess you got your answer now.
Let's Look Out For The Sun
Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 6:34 PM
Let's Look Out For The Sun
As we live life, we tend to forget a lot of things that we've learn past. There are things that are taught by our mothers since we're young. Cliche phrases like, "everyday is a new day", "nothing is impossible" and "Child. Mom thinks you're the STRONGEST" ... ... and we naively believe them. Haha! I would like to ask, EXCUSE ME. WHERE HAVE THOSE DAYS GONE TO !?!?!?
After 17 years I realised that the Earth is still equally polluted, humans as selfish, the seawater remains salty and the poles of the Earth remains cold. Like Captain Jack Sparrow said, "It's not the world that have changed, the world is still the same." We have changed. Perhaps we get so busy and immersed in our stressful lifestyle that we can fail to realise sun rise one day, that we have failed to realise the existence of the sun that has been always shining, and giving us moral support half of the time. How many times have we complain that people don't appreciate our help when we don't appreciate how much moral support that the sun gave us, and how much nourishment water has provided us. I DECLARED : It's time to be grateful and appreciate them, we can show that we're grateful by being a bit happier.
Does this post sounds a bit happier? Many people have been approaching me that all my post are very emotional. If it's so then you audience are horribly wrong. I'm very happy while writing out those(some). I'm happy dude. I out of the emotional enclave, or gettos or whatever you call it. It's about time i take out and breathe in some fresh air, along with my fair share of lame jokes.
Here's one original from me. It came up impromptu while having a chat with my friend about friendship hierarchy/pyramid

Oh and other lame joke before I forgot. Marine Barrage. At the scene where the Marina Dam is built.
Ken: Mr Khor, why you never tell that piece of building to mind your language.
Mr Khor: What are you talking about. Why?
Ken: It's a (DAM)N
Mr Khor: Whaha! Lame Joke! Lame Joke!
Ken: -.-""""""""" !!! (what the..?)
Cheh. That's all. Those are originals. I'm gonna try a bit happier. Emo = Can't think of Cold Jokes.
After 17 years I realised that the Earth is still equally polluted, humans as selfish, the seawater remains salty and the poles of the Earth remains cold. Like Captain Jack Sparrow said, "It's not the world that have changed, the world is still the same." We have changed. Perhaps we get so busy and immersed in our stressful lifestyle that we can fail to realise sun rise one day, that we have failed to realise the existence of the sun that has been always shining, and giving us moral support half of the time. How many times have we complain that people don't appreciate our help when we don't appreciate how much moral support that the sun gave us, and how much nourishment water has provided us. I DECLARED : It's time to be grateful and appreciate them, we can show that we're grateful by being a bit happier.
Does this post sounds a bit happier? Many people have been approaching me that all my post are very emotional. If it's so then you audience are horribly wrong. I'm very happy while writing out those(some). I'm happy dude. I out of the emotional enclave, or gettos or whatever you call it. It's about time i take out and breathe in some fresh air, along with my fair share of lame jokes.
Here's one original from me. It came up impromptu while having a chat with my friend about friendship hierarchy/pyramid

Oh and other lame joke before I forgot. Marine Barrage. At the scene where the Marina Dam is built.
Ken: Mr Khor, why you never tell that piece of building to mind your language.
Mr Khor: What are you talking about. Why?
Ken: It's a (DAM)N
Mr Khor: Whaha! Lame Joke! Lame Joke!
Ken: -.-""""""""" !!! (what the..?)
Cheh. That's all. Those are originals. I'm gonna try a bit happier. Emo = Can't think of Cold Jokes.
The Fast .... And The Furious
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
The Fast And The Furious
Don't bother dreaming that one day life will be slow for you to comfortably keep up with. That will never happen. Ferrari will never slow down for Toyota to catch up. If you win someone because that person lax or screw up, it's never a real victory. There's no point in setting an exam just for you to do well, no point in having life easy for you. Everyone always wonder why studies is hard, look back in those kinder garden and primary school days, did we ever give 2 cents to what we studied back in those days?
I don't really know why I'm writing this. Somehow as I'm hitting 18, I feel that the days of student price are over. I feel that the days where you can rely on friends, have new friends and look forward to a new mode of education is over. My brother asked to swim and I suggested to him to find any friend staying in condo that has swimming pool. He replied me this : "You think I'm like you, still in school where I have loads of friends to ask?" It's true. Thinking back, I'm a lot luckier than him. I used to fret about why I can't win in competition, about wasting my life, about not performing in education, but think. just THINK. I'm lucky to at least have a chance to sit in exam, just have a chance to participate in competition, just a chance to experience what I should experience in my youth. So let me appreciate all this and try a bit harder, in my life. I'm gonna face the hard reality in life : to always be fighting hard for my dear life.
Look at it in canoeing. Will we ever find satisfaction to win with a mere 2 minute over 500m? Look at it in studies. Will we ever be satisfied to clinch an A while knowing shit about the topic? I don't know why I'm writing this, I just feel that we gotta start to accept the hard aspect in life. The only solution to everything is not an easy 1. We are left with none but 2 options.
To be the fast?
To be the furious?
To be the fast or the furious?
Answer : The Fast and the Furious.
I don't really know why I'm writing this. Somehow as I'm hitting 18, I feel that the days of student price are over. I feel that the days where you can rely on friends, have new friends and look forward to a new mode of education is over. My brother asked to swim and I suggested to him to find any friend staying in condo that has swimming pool. He replied me this : "You think I'm like you, still in school where I have loads of friends to ask?" It's true. Thinking back, I'm a lot luckier than him. I used to fret about why I can't win in competition, about wasting my life, about not performing in education, but think. just THINK. I'm lucky to at least have a chance to sit in exam, just have a chance to participate in competition, just a chance to experience what I should experience in my youth. So let me appreciate all this and try a bit harder, in my life. I'm gonna face the hard reality in life : to always be fighting hard for my dear life.
Look at it in canoeing. Will we ever find satisfaction to win with a mere 2 minute over 500m? Look at it in studies. Will we ever be satisfied to clinch an A while knowing shit about the topic? I don't know why I'm writing this, I just feel that we gotta start to accept the hard aspect in life. The only solution to everything is not an easy 1. We are left with none but 2 options.
To be the fast?
To be the furious?
To be the fast or the furious?
Answer : The Fast and the Furious.
Labels: The Fast and The Furious
A New Season, A New Beggining
Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 9:01 PM
In the past, I would have chosen to slack, relax and take the easy way out.I think back and wonder, If i really deserve to be here sometimes. I have arrived here merely given a month of hard work. I have become vice captain given 10 years no CCA. If all this is really true, then I guess i held my promises to you well. Until today, I still can't get over the fact if I had been more appealing. If I had better looks(baby face), brilliant IQ, excellent sense of humour, I would have been the one you've chosen and you won't risk choosing a jerk to devote your feelings for. I'm sorry you can't put your welfare in my care due to my ineptitude. I'm sorry, I can't control my past, I can only improve the future. I promised that I won't be a nerd, a conceited fool or plain foolishly optimistic. I know up till today, you still hate my out of this world optimism. I've changed. If I didn't waste my life in the past, I wouldn't be a loser at that point in time when you have met me. I won't be a loser again. I'll fight for a better future. I won't slack, relax nor take the easy way out. I'm not gonna relax, not gonna, never will I be. Goodbye Gambling, Gaming and Slacking. Hello Training, and Mug-ism.
Top 10 Things Of What I see as Most Difficult
1. Canoeing(TPJC Canoeing, NUS Canoeing)
2. BGR
3.1 Stepping Down From Canoeing
3.2 Not Feel Emo About Step Down
4. being a MAN!
5. Not Being Jealous
6. Not Bitching about someone
7. Being Humorous
8. Cheering someone up
9. Maintaining contact
10. Education
So actually this might be a bit random. But I'm just gonna post it here. It's not some pussy cliche stuffs like what facebook is always enticing you to post about. This is original, from my head.So here goes.
Top 10 Things Of What I see as Most Difficult
1. Canoeing(TPJC Canoeing, NUS Canoeing)
2. BGR
3.1 Stepping Down From Canoeing
3.2 Not Feel Emo About Step Down
4. being a MAN!
5. Not Being Jealous
6. Not Bitching about someone
7. Being Humorous
8. Cheering someone up
9. Maintaining contact
10. Education
I really hate to say this but for such a huge and fierce GUY like me to put BGR as 2nd most difficult chore in the world for me. Oh well, in my eyes, BGR = JOKE. Prove me wrong. HAHA! Anyone who is emo about studies and wonder why education is the last on my list, I only have this thing to say: You haven't see enough of life. There are many things you can work harder than education and don't get results. In studies, as long as you put in the effort, you'll see it.
P.S. Life's good, though there's a daily dose of things to bitch about.
~ To this person, I'm not EMO ok? Heh heh~ You're a genius? Then I must be genius square! You go have your beauty sleep. I know you can't let even 3 second of snooze off. Peace ~ : )
P.S. Life's good, though there's a daily dose of things to bitch about.
~ To this person, I'm not EMO ok? Heh heh~ You're a genius? Then I must be genius square! You go have your beauty sleep. I know you can't let even 3 second of snooze off. Peace ~ : )
It's hard to be happy... Sometimes...
Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 10:17 PM
No Matter How Hard You Try, It's Hard To Be Happy SometimesWhen's the last time I've experienced this:
When I'm alone, I wish to be with friends. When I'm with friends, I wish to be alone.
Sometimes if I just leave the scene, don't come looking for me.