This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
The Struggle For Freedom
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 @ 1:35 PM
Sometimes, the most crucial thing that people look back and regret is that they ain't try or get started.
And looking at my own circumstences, I think I have led a crippled life, often only musterng enough strength & energy, to do what's minimal to get by or get past. I have forgotten the kind of potential I used to have, or used to hold because of my self destructing habits.
I'll learned things the hard way. I guess it's time I learn to lead a normal life. Maybe sometimes if I'm struggling it really meant that I'm trying too hard. Should life really be like that? I haven't lost hope of living a normal life.
Sometimes in life I guess, we need hope, and a huge dose of faith, that the day will come.
When I am not so controlled by strong feelings and emotion.
When I can stop getting myself addicted to things & events.
When I can get myself out of the things & events I'm currently addicted.
When I can discipline myself to act on the knowledge on what I believed to be right.
The Day where I will no longer need to struggle
The Day when I know I can be in control of things
The Day I can sleep in peace, knowing that my past will not come back to haunt me
The Day I can finally look at myself and say, I''ve changed
The Day when I can look at myself in the eye, and say, I have accomplish something which I failed for 10 years.
Because I believe, that is the only way, and chance, I can lead a fulfilling life.
Because I know deep down, there's a part of me struggling to break free, struggling to lead a normal life.
Struggling for a new life
Struggling to do what normal people can do
Struggling just to be normal
And hopefully that will come a day where I no longer need to struggle.
The day will come when I no longer need to run away
When there's a part of me when I no longer need to hide
This is my own battle, the struggle for control
Only with the ability to control over what's within me,
Can I stand a chance to control what's beyond me,
And now, never in the history of my life do I see a greater urgency & need to regain control.
The struggle between pleasure & sanity.