This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 4:48 PM
What's the feeling of knowing every question in a exam, but to find out that the process of working towards your answer isn't as smooth as you expected, in fact it's not even smooth. And then I thought my efforts might have paid off, a bit. I guess I was wrong. I guess I made an attempt at the impossible. I'm not there yet.
Labels: Dammit
It is this day
Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 10:02 PM
There are days where men will hide in cowardice, for fear to face their own weakness, for fear to face the worst, but it is not this dayThere are days when the establishment of humanity, of greatness, of excellence will collapse upon mankind, but it is not this day
For this day, we shall stand strong against what adversity or hardship that may come.
For it is this day that we shall face our bane(exams) and emerge stronger
For it is this day that we shall perform and truly find ourselves
For what you honor you may reap on the alien field(questions never seen before) that you never been on will be yours to keep forever.
Labels: It is this day
Time Timely Timy Timothy. NOOOO
Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 7:48 PM
Adapted From: Martial Art- Chi Kung - Wing Chun FightingStudent: Master, how long will it take to master 永春(eternal spring).
Master: 15 years
Student: If I train day and night?
Master: 30 years
Student: If i train twice as hard, day and night?
Master: 45 years
Why? When you're anxious, you try to pick up things in a hasty manner. You assume the wrong things, miss out on an important things and you end up learning nothing. When you realized that the key to the art itself is patience and relaxation.... and time, you begin to open up, and understand the nature of the art, that's when you realize you learn the wrong things. Then you throw everything outside and relearn.
I have slowly learn to calm down, while finding the best way to study. I tried giving myself 12 hours on a topic, be it long or short. And I realize what i done in the past, going after key points is wrong. Going after key point, is like building your foundation on broken twigs and your roofs on leaves. When the wind sweeps, you find yourself rebuilding everything hastily, only to be sweep upon again. And you start to wonder: Have I got no talent at all?
Time is the essence. Preparing for A level is like building an army to march forth on the fortress of A-Cambridge(A-Bridge). The human have had their success before, bringing down the mighty fortress of O-bridge. We have done it before, and we will do it again, where the challenge is to build a sustainable empire. I'm gonna build my cities, and before I leave, I'm gonna make sure they're not gonna rot. And so, when my last city is done, I will have enough men to storm the A level. Of course, I can't have my house built on broken twig and rotted leaves. Else during the time when I finishing building my last city, it's my only city. When my last city is done, my population will be big enough to march forth A-bridge. So come forth my men. NOW IS THE HOUR. OATHS YOU HAVE TAKEN. NOW FULFILL THEM ALL. FOR THE KING(me. hehe) FOR GLORY AND LAND. ! ha !
Please, if anyone of you reading this finds that you have no talent studying, please devote 12 hours to the simplest topic. if you can't, I buy you a fruit knife to assist you in suicide for your birthday. Haha! Time Time Time! What time is it. It's time I'm done blogging. FOR THE KING !
I have slowly learn to calm down, while finding the best way to study. I tried giving myself 12 hours on a topic, be it long or short. And I realize what i done in the past, going after key points is wrong. Going after key point, is like building your foundation on broken twigs and your roofs on leaves. When the wind sweeps, you find yourself rebuilding everything hastily, only to be sweep upon again. And you start to wonder: Have I got no talent at all?
Time is the essence. Preparing for A level is like building an army to march forth on the fortress of A-Cambridge(A-Bridge). The human have had their success before, bringing down the mighty fortress of O-bridge. We have done it before, and we will do it again, where the challenge is to build a sustainable empire. I'm gonna build my cities, and before I leave, I'm gonna make sure they're not gonna rot. And so, when my last city is done, I will have enough men to storm the A level. Of course, I can't have my house built on broken twig and rotted leaves. Else during the time when I finishing building my last city, it's my only city. When my last city is done, my population will be big enough to march forth A-bridge. So come forth my men. NOW IS THE HOUR. OATHS YOU HAVE TAKEN. NOW FULFILL THEM ALL. FOR THE KING(me. hehe) FOR GLORY AND LAND. ! ha !
Please, if anyone of you reading this finds that you have no talent studying, please devote 12 hours to the simplest topic. if you can't, I buy you a fruit knife to assist you in suicide for your birthday. Haha! Time Time Time! What time is it. It's time I'm done blogging. FOR THE KING !
Labels: Time Timely Timy Timothy. NOOOO
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 7:55 PM
Lately, I'm trying my best to console anyone I see who's losing themselves over studies. In those days when I didn't study, I wouldn't bother if I flunk it or give a shit about it. But now that I did, I wonder what's the basis behind this unusually relaxed stance. Maybe I have a plan. No I don't. Maybe I'm putting on a false front so that other people can feel my confidence flowing through them? Neither. Maybe deep down, I been through enough to know what education is but a small thing in life, and results isn't everything. Maybe I feel I can take on the world with just an O'level cert and prove to the world that determination is all that matters. I don't know either. I ain't a living epitome to a strong human spirit. Meanwhile, I guess having the power to calm people around me is the best ability at the moment. Rock on. Haha. For Failure or Victory, it doesn't matter. Having a plan is all that counts. For now, I'm losing my resolve to mug. Argh. I need to mug alone.
Labels: Relax
For J
Monday, June 22, 2009 @ 9:09 PM
Keywords: Precious ---> HandphoneYour most noticeable feature are your fingers
Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter
They move all seasons, even during your slumber
You made K helpless, and every time he ponders
Your conversations run high and wide
There's no end and they approaches likes the tides
Such that I got nowhere to hide
Much to your delight
One day I'll take your precious away
All efforts to take it back will be in vain
For the moment you might fine it lame
But then soon, I won't be the one that you'll blame
Without your precious in the way
It won't keep you busy for the day
And soon you'll find other things to play
And realize that your precious have wasted your youth to your dismay
You should spend more time with your friends
At this point in life they're a better blend
Interacting with the environment is a better plan
And make your relationship with your precious come to an end
Labels: For J
Farewell, farewell
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 9:13 PM
Am I being too sensitive? or things really is that way. People seem to be increasingly disagreeing and bias. Lame stuff that I said, no 1 notices. When other people bought up the same joke, it creates so much laughter. The same thing that I mention, no 1 listens, but when mentioned by someone else, people stand by them. And all the things that I'm noticed for, it's for the bad things, and most of the time, it's out of the blue. It's starting to get a bit cold somehow. At its fundamental, it shouldn't be too much of a concern, but when those people happen to be those close to you, things get rough. Either way, I can't be bothered already.
(Mood Fast Forward)
Farewell was good. I think the most happening event was the dodgeball! I had a lot of fun and excitement dodging. Being able to dodge a risky 1 gives me high aldrenaline rush. And being ousted out is just the incentive to make it even more exciting. That's supposedly the 1st and the last farewell in my CCA career. it's really one of the event that I really have nothing to say. I'm just lost for words. I guess those people who have precious CCA before, they can just say, old things don't go new things don't come. They can look forward to their next CCA and start a new career and a new journey. For mine, I guess it's the last and goodbye. I doubt University will be like government school from Primary to JC. Oh well, having live through it once is enough. It's better to have live and lost, than never to have live at all
And thanks to the team for getting me such a lovely bag. Sorry my condition gave you all so much trouble. Haha. It wasn't a condition. it is just a passing remark. I shall remember anyway not to say anyting specified before such event again. Thanks. It's really been a very happening week. And thanks Calista, for dedicating a special portion on the video for me. For one, it meant a lot. For two, I have more channels to look at myself beside the mirror. HAHA! It's just a passing remark, I'm not "that" vain.
So well. Before it's the start of another mugging week, let me just say, thanks to everyone involved. Things won't be possibly with the absence of any one of you. Farewell, farewell.
And I have always dreamed of wielding a sword to cut down my enemies. This is a nice picture. Thanks Winnie for taking it for me. Thanks Calista for uploading. I'm gonna stand like that, I'm gonna stand my ground to every adversity I faced. FEEL, MY, RESOLVE.
(Mood Fast Forward)
Farewell was good. I think the most happening event was the dodgeball! I had a lot of fun and excitement dodging. Being able to dodge a risky 1 gives me high aldrenaline rush. And being ousted out is just the incentive to make it even more exciting. That's supposedly the 1st and the last farewell in my CCA career. it's really one of the event that I really have nothing to say. I'm just lost for words. I guess those people who have precious CCA before, they can just say, old things don't go new things don't come. They can look forward to their next CCA and start a new career and a new journey. For mine, I guess it's the last and goodbye. I doubt University will be like government school from Primary to JC. Oh well, having live through it once is enough. It's better to have live and lost, than never to have live at all
And thanks to the team for getting me such a lovely bag. Sorry my condition gave you all so much trouble. Haha. It wasn't a condition. it is just a passing remark. I shall remember anyway not to say anyting specified before such event again. Thanks. It's really been a very happening week. And thanks Calista, for dedicating a special portion on the video for me. For one, it meant a lot. For two, I have more channels to look at myself beside the mirror. HAHA! It's just a passing remark, I'm not "that" vain.
So well. Before it's the start of another mugging week, let me just say, thanks to everyone involved. Things won't be possibly with the absence of any one of you. Farewell, farewell.
Labels: Farewell
Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 8:46 PM
Thanks people. Now I have something which I could call Sword! Arise, Anduril! Flame of the West! Do you know the feeling of holding something which you can call your own, without the feeling of having it taken away from you someday. Thanks for the racket. I'm gonna wield it ! I'm gonna wield it like the witchking of Angmar(I like this alias best). 
HAHA! I think it's going to be quite a joke if I meet my badminton opponent while wielding the racket like that.I'm gonna strike fear in my opponent's hearts. Anyway its mine!! I'm gonna wield it how I want it to. Thanks Dedrick, Jun De, Arif. You guys made my day and ended my long awaited expectations of a gift. I don't know what else to say. Like what I told Jun De, the expectation turned into false hope turned into disappointment, and suddenly the racket appeared like a sunrise after the age of nightmare. So now, yes! I'm complete! Meet me! The witchking of Punggol. !
Anyway. Badminton is fun as always. Now that I have my gear, it's time to look for grips and restrings service... ... And most importantly. I'm now put in a crossroad between my friend's Titanium Mesh, and my newfound sword Muscle Power 15. To the canoeist, I always tell them, whatever you do, believe in your own paddle. It doesn't matter if its a Jantex, Braca, or G-Power. Your paddle have gone through as much as you have gone through. When the time call for it, your paddle will bring you through. As long as you grip upon your paddle, and your boat, you're gonna stand your ground, and no other superior specimen is going to move you.
And now for the Titanium Mesh, and the Muscle Power 15, Titanium may be a more superior specimen, but the Power Muscle 15 is a condensed version of all the effort, heart and brotherhood. Up against Titanium, Arc Saber, and bah bah bah. YOU'RE ALL GOING DOWN!
Thanks my friends.
I don't know what to say

HAHA! I think it's going to be quite a joke if I meet my badminton opponent while wielding the racket like that.I'm gonna strike fear in my opponent's hearts. Anyway its mine!! I'm gonna wield it how I want it to. Thanks Dedrick, Jun De, Arif. You guys made my day and ended my long awaited expectations of a gift. I don't know what else to say. Like what I told Jun De, the expectation turned into false hope turned into disappointment, and suddenly the racket appeared like a sunrise after the age of nightmare. So now, yes! I'm complete! Meet me! The witchking of Punggol. !
Anyway. Badminton is fun as always. Now that I have my gear, it's time to look for grips and restrings service... ... And most importantly. I'm now put in a crossroad between my friend's Titanium Mesh, and my newfound sword Muscle Power 15. To the canoeist, I always tell them, whatever you do, believe in your own paddle. It doesn't matter if its a Jantex, Braca, or G-Power. Your paddle have gone through as much as you have gone through. When the time call for it, your paddle will bring you through. As long as you grip upon your paddle, and your boat, you're gonna stand your ground, and no other superior specimen is going to move you.
And now for the Titanium Mesh, and the Muscle Power 15, Titanium may be a more superior specimen, but the Power Muscle 15 is a condensed version of all the effort, heart and brotherhood. Up against Titanium, Arc Saber, and bah bah bah. YOU'RE ALL GOING DOWN!
Thanks my friends.
I don't know what to say
The Power Of Heart
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 3:15 PM
Heart is used in many things, many ways. It represents good health from a robust, beating heart. It is used to express the most affectionate moment in conveying the message I love you. It also represents the compassionate and sympathetic nature of men. But what may be unknown to many is that the very essence of sincerity comes from the heart. What do you know about being sincere. Just about spending a lot of time to do something? As simple as giving it a lot of attention? Or something more complex like deciding what best to do.
Sincerity can only come from the heart ~ what does your heart tells you to do. Does your heart feel strongly about something? When you do, everything else will falls into place ~ time, attention, effort, sweat, and everything will come at minimal cost. I had a conversation with someone, and she says guys probably ain't good at certain things that girls are. Is that true? Or girls are more sincere about things they do than guys, with guys can't be bothered atttitude. Trying putting some heart into the things you do, like studying, 0r any other things, and you'll find things ain't that difficult. Even when pleasing someone seem to be the most difficult thing, it'll be easy.
Labels: The Power Of Heart
Because It's unimportant
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 5:52 PM
Why is it not done
Simple things that can be done is not done
More than enough solutions to solve the world's hopelessness and desperation not solved
Conflict that is not deep rooted can't be resolved
Hard to please someone when it is not as hard as the easiest topic in Physics
Keeping contact in friends just take a few thoughts and words but there aren't
And words of comfort that is not present when someone's sad
When everything's awkward but there is no attempt of noise or interaction
That when things is screwed, there is no sign that things will improve
When someone is looking for hope and there's none
And when the last tiger went into extinction and there's no remorse nor guilt.
Simple things that can be done is not done
More than enough solutions to solve the world's hopelessness and desperation not solved
Conflict that is not deep rooted can't be resolved
Hard to please someone when it is not as hard as the easiest topic in Physics
Keeping contact in friends just take a few thoughts and words but there aren't
And words of comfort that is not present when someone's sad
When everything's awkward but there is no attempt of noise or interaction
That when things is screwed, there is no sign that things will improve
When someone is looking for hope and there's none
And when the last tiger went into extinction and there's no remorse nor guilt.
Because everything's not important anymore.
Labels: Because it's unimportant
All About Losing*POEM*
Monday, June 15, 2009 @ 8:11 PM
Don't lose your belonging,
You'll lose patience
Don't lose composure
You'll lose your style
Don't lose desire
You'll lose the drive
Don't lose faith
You'll lose belief
Don't lose intergrity
You'll lose morality
Don't lose dreams
You'll lose imagination
Don't lose opportunities
You'll lose youth
And I won't lose you
For I would have lost everything
Now then. Life goes on.
You'll lose patience
Don't lose composure
You'll lose your style
Don't lose desire
You'll lose the drive
Don't lose faith
You'll lose belief
Don't lose intergrity
You'll lose morality
Don't lose dreams
You'll lose imagination
Don't lose opportunities
You'll lose youth
And I won't lose you
For I would have lost everything
Now then. Life goes on.
Labels: All About Losing*POEM*
Only in Threatres: Corny Love
Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 6:30 PM
I thought of something super cute.... If I'm a producer ... ...
Jun De as Kenneth's Punching Bag
Bryan Lim as Crap Talker
Jonathan Chng as Love Sage
Ren Yi as The Business Man
Xavier as A Critique
Wei Jia as Mr. Lame
Calista Lim Yi Jun as The Mother
Tan Wei Wen as The Auntie
X as Kenneth's Crush (Don't know what to input for X)
Character Previews:
Having just graduated from Boys Primary School, Kenneth is now enrolled in a mixed school which exposes him to a world with females. He found the latest trend of Boy Girl Relationship to be the biggest addition to his Secondary School life and is all too ready to explore it. What caught his attention from his lifestyle and environment is that guys are jerks in relationship and have left many ladies disoriented and disheartened. He is now ready to show the world that he is both a gentleman as well as a good bf. However, are gentleman and warm-hearted really what girls are looking for? It is not long before he finds himself in trouble
Jun De as Kenneth's Punching Bag
Bryan Lim as Crap Talker
Jonathan Chng as Love Sage
Ren Yi as The Business Man
Xavier as A Critique
Wei Jia as Mr. Lame
Calista Lim Yi Jun as The Mother
Tan Wei Wen as The Auntie
X as Kenneth's Crush (Don't know what to input for X)
Character Previews:
Jun De(Punching Bag... "enough meat"): Kenneth ah Kenneth, whole day think about girls only*Makes sarcastic face*
Bryan Lim(Crap Talker): Aiyo. Girls? Don't girls lah. Let's talk cock sing song play mahjong!
Jonathan Chng(Love Sage): Rejected? Just move on Kenneth. The forest's is big, why give up on them
Xavier(Critique): I don't understand why you people believe in something call chasing. I mean like, it's such a stupid thing. If there's mutual love, then you 2 will be together already. What's the basis behind this chase chase thing.
Wei Jia(Mr. Lame): Kenneth don't sad. The Healing Process starts with a lame joke!
Calista(the MOTHER): YOU REJECTED!? You dare to tell me you engaging in such time wasting affairs? What's with the society. In my olden days, I'm so fierce in badminton and canoeing. What about YOU! Relationship is so unproductive. I'm gonna enrol you in badminton! I don't care.
Wei Wen(Auntie): Haiya, let auntie(don't box me please) give you a word of advice. Relationship at your age don't last!
X: I only see you as friends
Bryan Lim(Crap Talker): Aiyo. Girls? Don't girls lah. Let's talk cock sing song play mahjong!
Jonathan Chng(Love Sage): Rejected? Just move on Kenneth. The forest's is big, why give up on them
Xavier(Critique): I don't understand why you people believe in something call chasing. I mean like, it's such a stupid thing. If there's mutual love, then you 2 will be together already. What's the basis behind this chase chase thing.
Wei Jia(Mr. Lame): Kenneth don't sad. The Healing Process starts with a lame joke!
Calista(the MOTHER): YOU REJECTED!? You dare to tell me you engaging in such time wasting affairs? What's with the society. In my olden days, I'm so fierce in badminton and canoeing. What about YOU! Relationship is so unproductive. I'm gonna enrol you in badminton! I don't care.
Wei Wen(Auntie): Haiya, let auntie(don't box me please) give you a word of advice. Relationship at your age don't last!
X: I only see you as friends
Labels: Only in Threatres: Corny Love
Corny Love
Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 9:24 PM
Student: Hey Teacher, what love is all about
Teacher: Go out to the field, pick the biggest corn you can find, but you cannot backtrack to pick any corn you see. Then I will tell you the answer
So the student set out to find the corn. He saw a large corn, but he did not pick it cause he knows there will be bigger corn out there. So he move on and he is right, he saw a fatter, larger corn. He didn't pluck it, he still went on in search for bigger and fatter corn but to his dismay he didn't see any as large as the corn he previously saw. So he return to the teacher empty handed.
Teacher: Where is your corn
Student: I didn't pluck. I went past the biggest corn and I can't move back to pluck it
Teacher: That's what love is all about. There are many corns out there but also you may miss the right one that come by. So you must always grab the opportunity and cherish your chances, no matter if its the fattest corn, it's still a superior corn, as long as it caught your eye.
This story has ignited my desires to blog about a few things that has been lingering in my mind a few years ago, and nowadays, occasionally, but here goes... anyway(I'm typing without emotions nor feelings, just plain thoughts and ideas, expressing all the understanding and ideas I have about bgr.)
I know there's quite a significant group of people out there, terming us teenager as being immatured and not being in the right state of mind to really express and pursue our "targets". To an extent it may be true, but no matter how big the forest may be, we might just pass the 1 who is really meant for us. So no matter how vague, how empty, how unpromising and how idealistic and unpractical us guys may sound, we're just merely a victim of opportunities that are presented to us. After all, who wants a relationship that don't work?
And I know, and many people know, that winning a girls heart is a form of trade and it requires you to master the tool of your trade, strategies and in many ways, you need to know and plan how you approach a girl. Many people have been telling me whenever I'm asking around, whenever I'm trying and whenever I failed. They said my failure is hugely directed towards my lack of approach, that I'm too stubborn for my own good. I'm just thinking, if such affairs needed anything more than sincerity, is it then still as simple as pure?
So actually to think back. I've been with 2 extreme cliche before. One cliche, full of guys, super nice, super gentleman, super caring. The other cliche. full of gangsters, rockers and uh, trendy people you know. Both cliche, most people are attached, in fact, everybody is attached before apart from me. Throughout this year, the gf of the gentleman's cliche consistently ditch them, and it would always be the gf that is unreasonable and the gf would be all source of problems, and worst, initiate the breakup. On the other hand, the ah beng's cliche, is always toying around with girls, making gf pay for meals, and making the gf lose out in one way or another, and I have never seen the guys get ditched before. I don't understand the trend. The notions that girls like gentleman(as I once thought it out to be) all collaspe in thin air. Surely things can't be that simple? It ain't that coincidental either. I have never seen a cliche with proper balance, equal probablity of both party ditching one another. It's always an one sided affair. Is it because of environment? because of mentality? law of attraction? when you're in a environment where everyone's gentleman and used to getting ditched, used to getting the unreasonablility of woman, you feel a need to get ditched too. I don't know. "Guys are always the jerks?" Girls gotta think twice.
And you know, I know its very tough to be the nice guys. I once pursued the notion of being gentleman, to make the world a better place to live in. I thought the world are full of jerks. I watched too much drama series. But it turn out otherwise. These guys are just probably finding the true meaning of love, and in it they found despair, they found disappointment and emptiness instead. On the other hand, I wouldn't envy those get it all jerks either. They have gf, they have emotional satisfaction, they break up with girls, they have self esteem. What does it serve? They're no success or admiration in holding on to false glory. To the nice guys out there, it's the hardest thing on Earth to be nice. Press on and you shall find true love one day. I promise. To all the world's good guy, let me toast 1 cup to you ! And if there's another question, we nice guys will never understand what girls are thinking, why they would pick ah beng over gentleman and allow themselves to be subjected to so much undesirability.
There are so many so many questions going on in my head and none of them are answered. I have come to 1 stand and final conclusion. There's no 1 correct answer nor solution to anything pertaining to bgr. None of the questions above, can have a definite answer. If you ask me, given one life, live like there's no tomorrow. Go for it, and never look back, and never regret. that's one thing I understand from the various episodes of love.
The story of the corn is so meaningful that I feel bad not dedicating a meaningful article to it. Here it is, I ain't emo ok. I'm not thinking of anything at the moment now. : ) Oh well. eat corn tonight. be corny. HAHA
Teacher: Go out to the field, pick the biggest corn you can find, but you cannot backtrack to pick any corn you see. Then I will tell you the answer
So the student set out to find the corn. He saw a large corn, but he did not pick it cause he knows there will be bigger corn out there. So he move on and he is right, he saw a fatter, larger corn. He didn't pluck it, he still went on in search for bigger and fatter corn but to his dismay he didn't see any as large as the corn he previously saw. So he return to the teacher empty handed.
Teacher: Where is your corn
Student: I didn't pluck. I went past the biggest corn and I can't move back to pluck it
Teacher: That's what love is all about. There are many corns out there but also you may miss the right one that come by. So you must always grab the opportunity and cherish your chances, no matter if its the fattest corn, it's still a superior corn, as long as it caught your eye.
This story has ignited my desires to blog about a few things that has been lingering in my mind a few years ago, and nowadays, occasionally, but here goes... anyway(I'm typing without emotions nor feelings, just plain thoughts and ideas, expressing all the understanding and ideas I have about bgr.)
I know there's quite a significant group of people out there, terming us teenager as being immatured and not being in the right state of mind to really express and pursue our "targets". To an extent it may be true, but no matter how big the forest may be, we might just pass the 1 who is really meant for us. So no matter how vague, how empty, how unpromising and how idealistic and unpractical us guys may sound, we're just merely a victim of opportunities that are presented to us. After all, who wants a relationship that don't work?
And I know, and many people know, that winning a girls heart is a form of trade and it requires you to master the tool of your trade, strategies and in many ways, you need to know and plan how you approach a girl. Many people have been telling me whenever I'm asking around, whenever I'm trying and whenever I failed. They said my failure is hugely directed towards my lack of approach, that I'm too stubborn for my own good. I'm just thinking, if such affairs needed anything more than sincerity, is it then still as simple as pure?
So actually to think back. I've been with 2 extreme cliche before. One cliche, full of guys, super nice, super gentleman, super caring. The other cliche. full of gangsters, rockers and uh, trendy people you know. Both cliche, most people are attached, in fact, everybody is attached before apart from me. Throughout this year, the gf of the gentleman's cliche consistently ditch them, and it would always be the gf that is unreasonable and the gf would be all source of problems, and worst, initiate the breakup. On the other hand, the ah beng's cliche, is always toying around with girls, making gf pay for meals, and making the gf lose out in one way or another, and I have never seen the guys get ditched before. I don't understand the trend. The notions that girls like gentleman(as I once thought it out to be) all collaspe in thin air. Surely things can't be that simple? It ain't that coincidental either. I have never seen a cliche with proper balance, equal probablity of both party ditching one another. It's always an one sided affair. Is it because of environment? because of mentality? law of attraction? when you're in a environment where everyone's gentleman and used to getting ditched, used to getting the unreasonablility of woman, you feel a need to get ditched too. I don't know. "Guys are always the jerks?" Girls gotta think twice.
And you know, I know its very tough to be the nice guys. I once pursued the notion of being gentleman, to make the world a better place to live in. I thought the world are full of jerks. I watched too much drama series. But it turn out otherwise. These guys are just probably finding the true meaning of love, and in it they found despair, they found disappointment and emptiness instead. On the other hand, I wouldn't envy those get it all jerks either. They have gf, they have emotional satisfaction, they break up with girls, they have self esteem. What does it serve? They're no success or admiration in holding on to false glory. To the nice guys out there, it's the hardest thing on Earth to be nice. Press on and you shall find true love one day. I promise. To all the world's good guy, let me toast 1 cup to you ! And if there's another question, we nice guys will never understand what girls are thinking, why they would pick ah beng over gentleman and allow themselves to be subjected to so much undesirability.
There are so many so many questions going on in my head and none of them are answered. I have come to 1 stand and final conclusion. There's no 1 correct answer nor solution to anything pertaining to bgr. None of the questions above, can have a definite answer. If you ask me, given one life, live like there's no tomorrow. Go for it, and never look back, and never regret. that's one thing I understand from the various episodes of love.
The story of the corn is so meaningful that I feel bad not dedicating a meaningful article to it. Here it is, I ain't emo ok. I'm not thinking of anything at the moment now. : ) Oh well. eat corn tonight. be corny. HAHA
Labels: Corny Love
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 @ 8:27 PM
9 Words/Phrase that roams my mind1. Intrinsically Desirable!
2. Olympics
3. What a Bitch!
4. Light Bulb
5. War!
6. Lameeeeeeeeeeee !
7. maoo
8. You can torture me, do anything with me but you must never call me CUTE!
9. KC
Devils' Calling
Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 9:16 PM
Its strange. I find myself once again to wake up from a sleep and found myself in a very different situation. Suddenly, I woke up feeling an stinging sense of urgency. I felt like my heart is like a time bomb, and it is set for detonation when the timer strikes 0:00. The only way to defuse, it seems is to mug entirely for my June Holidays. Whenever I try to pen down my dreams in a form of medium, somehow it always disappeared on the spot. With an exception it seemed, whenever the situation seemed urgent enough, I somehow manage to catch a hint or two. This time, the message from this dream seem to be telling me this
"Mug Hard, Mug Enough, Mug Aggressively this June Holiday or Death awaits."
It resembles a devil calling. I can't afford to ignore this phenomena. At least, it has save me from certain doom once or twice before. It's really a weird dream. Things ain't going well somehow. Recently, I have managed to attain some peace of mind by accepting the fact that understanding and comprehending a topic needs time, and time is all it needs. However with such a time bomb placed inside of me, I'm not sure whether I in the best situation to race against all odds. As gloom as it may sound, my conscious has awoken me in time to grasp my last advantage : Time. I know I will never live to see the day when I will be studying in HCI or Raffles. I know I will never live to see the day that I will stand in front of everyone and receive Inter-Sch Canoe Championship Medals. As long as I can still breathe an air of life, I know I want to live to see the day I'm in NUS and the day I'm in NUS Canoeing. I'm gonna fight for it. Thanks my conscious. That's all the help from you I need.
Labels: Devils' Calling
No limitation, no boundaries
Saturday, June 6, 2009 @ 10:35 PM
I thought of this story.There is this martial art expert, Kenji. He masters his craft to the highest standard, to the point where he need not think when he executes his move. This progresses him up in the ladder of attrition, of competition. When he finally come across this round, this enemy name Raj can successfully counter all his move and eventually defeated Kenji. After the match, Raj asked Kenji
Raj: Did you even try to win me in that match?
Kenji: Of course, you can countered all my moves, you are definitely better than me
Raj: No you didn't. Your moves are all fixed, I was expecting the next set of moves but sadly...
Kenji: Really? I mastered this style to the highest. I can execute them naturally, so it seemed like I'm not trying?
Raj: Is that so? Then I guess that's not the highest level. It's just that you became so acquainted with your style then you failed to realize anything beyond.
I haven't found a way to remodel this story so that the morale become more apparent but. It means that when we think we have the best way to do something and become complacent with it, we will eventually lose our potential to improve. In academics, you thought you're best in maths, and you've probably mastered it. When a question beats the hell out of you, you'll say you're probably not intelligent enough. Hmmm. In quotation, the only limitation in life is no limitation.In lyrics, there's no boundaries. In short, there's always improvement : )
Labels: no boundaries, No limitation
RUNAWAY... ... ... not
Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 8:49 PM
I'm running away, so why don't you get away from me.It's kinda useless. I learned one thing. No matter how much you try to run away, what is meant to stick to you will remain with you.
"YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME FOREVER!" Permutation & Combination(P&C) roared!
(Background: I have ran away from them both at Sec 4, skipped the entire topic altogether and sat for my O'.)
It's time I say. Nah. I'm not running away. I'm gonna fight. I'm gonna fight... ... ... to RUN AWAY! HAHAHA!!!2 Days ago, P&C and Probability were ahead of me. Today, I officially declare they're behind me. So what's next, I wonder.
(I'm gonna bring you all down with my own hands 1 by 1 if i have to. so you better offer yourself up for my understanding before I'm gonna make quick work out of you!)
Labels: RUNAWAY... .... ... not
The Broken Curse
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ 5:25 PM
"your fingers will remember their strength better if they grasp your sword." Gandalf said to King Therodin after he broke the curse. *Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers*That's how I felt when I hold my paddle again. All the resolve, the drive, the ambition, the energy and the rage will surface and everything will be set in motion.
Labels: The Broken Curse