This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
In The End
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 @ 10:11 AM
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
Because in the end it's all about what you do.
It's nothing to do with them anyway.
It's amazing how some people's words can really, heighten your inspiration to the next level.
My cousin pass down what his coach said about canoeing: "Canoeing is not about rowing, but how you want to treat and deal with life, the kind of determination, persist-ency, strategy and observation skills. If you don't perform in canoeing, it is unlikely that you'll perform in life" These words weren't new, but it is impressive how I'm able to only understand a fraction of what is first said to me. As I live life more, I'm slowly beginning to understand more and more of it. Really, I think it's easier said than done. I do think that it's easier said than done, that's why I believe in a few things.
Firstly, I'm not in the position to fully understand how you feel, how much burden you carry, that's why I maintain that as a friend, I can only guide you, but I cannot claim to solve your problems :( We came from different family and environment background, and I must say that, your trial requires a lot more courage and determination than mine. Hence, just standing up and resist is a big thing already, really.
Don't be afraid to be who you truly am
Don't hold back
It's amazing how some people's words can really, heighten your inspiration to the next level.
My cousin pass down what his coach said about canoeing: "Canoeing is not about rowing, but how you want to treat and deal with life, the kind of determination, persist-ency, strategy and observation skills. If you don't perform in canoeing, it is unlikely that you'll perform in life" These words weren't new, but it is impressive how I'm able to only understand a fraction of what is first said to me. As I live life more, I'm slowly beginning to understand more and more of it. Really, I think it's easier said than done. I do think that it's easier said than done, that's why I believe in a few things.
Firstly, I'm not in the position to fully understand how you feel, how much burden you carry, that's why I maintain that as a friend, I can only guide you, but I cannot claim to solve your problems :( We came from different family and environment background, and I must say that, your trial requires a lot more courage and determination than mine. Hence, just standing up and resist is a big thing already, really.
Secondly, I believe happiness is something that we is tangible, something that we can work towards, that explains a huge chunk of text rather than simplistic words like Cheer up, Be Happy. Like what my cousin said to me, it will take a lot of time for you to slowly appreciate and understand what I say. My cousin said those words to me 2 years ago and they don't carry much meaning to me. Just like if I were to tell you that my most important word is Pride, it won't mean anything to you either. One note here, what I learn is that, what might initially be of the least significance might turn out to be the most significant to you. An example, illustrated above, is those words that my cousin said to me. Another example is, you start cherishing your friends only when they're gone now when you recalled how nice they really am to you. I believe, when those small small words(seeds) that I say to you finally make sense to you(fruitation), from there on Life will really be... .... "I'll leave it to you to check it out."
Thirdly, hard work will always bear fruits. Canoeing is really the toughest thing that I've been through and I have given a lot(hence the blog name carrying canoeing's honour). My teammates have been through a lot together and as such, we held strong bonds. Happiness, for you will be another tough challenge. However, once you attain it, it will come to you as something precious. Someone who is born happy will not retain happiness for long. You know the story, give you lots of riches and you wouldn't appreciate them. Give you lots of caring friends and you wouldn't give a shit about them. You know such things, a very beautiful lady, treating guy and girl friends as if they're not worth 20 cents. Would you want to live life like that? If I were to give you happiness now, give you friends now, and you'll end up being a horrible person. Another story here, it takes effort to be humble. Compare, someone who is born rich and someone who work his way towards riches.
Don't need give a damn about what people say or think about your actions
Thirdly, hard work will always bear fruits. Canoeing is really the toughest thing that I've been through and I have given a lot(hence the blog name carrying canoeing's honour). My teammates have been through a lot together and as such, we held strong bonds. Happiness, for you will be another tough challenge. However, once you attain it, it will come to you as something precious. Someone who is born happy will not retain happiness for long. You know the story, give you lots of riches and you wouldn't appreciate them. Give you lots of caring friends and you wouldn't give a shit about them. You know such things, a very beautiful lady, treating guy and girl friends as if they're not worth 20 cents. Would you want to live life like that? If I were to give you happiness now, give you friends now, and you'll end up being a horrible person. Another story here, it takes effort to be humble. Compare, someone who is born rich and someone who work his way towards riches.
Don't need give a damn about what people say or think about your actions
"People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway."
Don't be afraid to be who you truly am
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
Don't hold back
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
I think straightforwardness is a good trait, one that you have.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
Happiness can sometimes be short lasting.What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
People are always hoping that they have people to be miserable together with themIf you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
You may not live in a very pleasant world
It's your own life Kim.You may not live in a very pleasant world
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Don't always hold back from doing good things because other people did not do you so
Don't always hold back from doing good things because other people did not do you so
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
Because in the end it's all about what you do.
It's nothing to do with them anyway.
Given one choice Kim,
We'll fight.
Given one choice Kim,
We'll fight.
Labels: In The End
Special: An Adaptation from Mahjong
Monday, February 15, 2010 @ 1:10 AM

For example, 3-4-5 forms a sequence. 7-8-9 forms a sequence
3-3-3 forms a sequence too.
So when every turn comes, you get a chance to draw a tile to attempt to complete your 4 sequence of 3 tiles.
So, as I was playing mahjong, I was trying to reply the sms you sent me too. Halfway, I thought of this. Isn't the game of mahjong like, a part of life too? Every turn you're trying to draw tiles. You may be lucky and every tiles that you draw, will contribute to your hand. I'm pretty unlucky today, every tile that I draw is shit, and most tiles that I drawn is not accepted into my hand, and does not help my to form my sequences.
So I thought of this. Everyone wants to work towards their goal. However, not every step that they take will definitely propel them towards the goal. Like Mahjong, most tiles you drawn does not actually help you at all. You're gonna spend most of your time feeling disappointed, and wondering why other people are better off than you do. Don't you envy those people who can always game? while you pity yourself, always getting stuck in a getting-nowhere-hand. Don't be disappointed ok? Those people that are good in mahjong(or life) probably have a way to optimize their chances. To know all this, they have to play long enough, and know enough tricks that can get them into deep shit. Of course, this can only comes when you have a clear goal in mind, that is to win. If you want to win, you will find ways to avoid losing, and to avoid losing, you're probably winning. Similarly, if you don't start directing yourself towards happiness, you cannot find any help or pointers to get there.
Those people good in mahjong are not those people having the best hand and always getting the appropriate tiles too. It is the way they handle their hand(situation). As Andy Lau puts it in a gambling movie/title "Lousy hand have a lousy hand way of playing it." Therefore, the best players know how to play all kinds of hands too, not just dependent on luck alone. Putting it in context, I think Happiness is not about having an ideal life, but rather, knowing how to work your way towards it irregardless of what nonsense life throws at you. Just like you would agree with me that, people who are best at mahjong, love to work with all kinds of hands, not just good hands. Therefore, you gotta agree with me that, people who truly seek happiness is not just happy when things are turning well for them, but rather they're happy that they can try to put things right too(just like working on a lousy hand, That's mahjong) ... That's life.
I'm sorry if I made things sound so easy and simplistic. I am not you, I do not understand the problem that you're facing but I do know that only you, can truly experience and feel the anger and sadness. Therefore, I as a fren, do not claim to be able to solve your problem, but rather I try my best to see you through... ok?
This is just for you
Sorry if you don't know Mahjong
But I thought it's quite a good analogy.
So I hope you understand nonetheless : )
So I thought of this. Everyone wants to work towards their goal. However, not every step that they take will definitely propel them towards the goal. Like Mahjong, most tiles you drawn does not actually help you at all. You're gonna spend most of your time feeling disappointed, and wondering why other people are better off than you do. Don't you envy those people who can always game? while you pity yourself, always getting stuck in a getting-nowhere-hand. Don't be disappointed ok? Those people that are good in mahjong(or life) probably have a way to optimize their chances. To know all this, they have to play long enough, and know enough tricks that can get them into deep shit. Of course, this can only comes when you have a clear goal in mind, that is to win. If you want to win, you will find ways to avoid losing, and to avoid losing, you're probably winning. Similarly, if you don't start directing yourself towards happiness, you cannot find any help or pointers to get there.
Those people good in mahjong are not those people having the best hand and always getting the appropriate tiles too. It is the way they handle their hand(situation). As Andy Lau puts it in a gambling movie/title "Lousy hand have a lousy hand way of playing it." Therefore, the best players know how to play all kinds of hands too, not just dependent on luck alone. Putting it in context, I think Happiness is not about having an ideal life, but rather, knowing how to work your way towards it irregardless of what nonsense life throws at you. Just like you would agree with me that, people who are best at mahjong, love to work with all kinds of hands, not just good hands. Therefore, you gotta agree with me that, people who truly seek happiness is not just happy when things are turning well for them, but rather they're happy that they can try to put things right too(just like working on a lousy hand, That's mahjong) ... That's life.
I'm sorry if I made things sound so easy and simplistic. I am not you, I do not understand the problem that you're facing but I do know that only you, can truly experience and feel the anger and sadness. Therefore, I as a fren, do not claim to be able to solve your problem, but rather I try my best to see you through... ok?
This is just for you
Sorry if you don't know Mahjong
But I thought it's quite a good analogy.
So I hope you understand nonetheless : )
Labels: Special: An Adaptation from Mahjong
Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 2:20 AM
This is the first time I'm doing something that is out of my passion group. I love kayaking, schooling, studying, and writing and thus life has been pleasurable for me up till now. My days in camp hadn't been so pleasurable as a huge part of it is not centered on Physical Training meaning, I would have to find an alternative way to train to tone up for 2012 canoe championships. Here I come!It is interesting to note that, the person whom I miss most is also the person whom I want to sms most. However, all excitement ceases when she fails to reply the last message. Little did I expect that she was waiting for mine too? I don't know. I think SMS contains a lot more value when you're in camp and cannot return home, especially since you're only allowed to use phone at specific time of the day.
I think the word of the week is Pride. Little word, so many interpretation, so many meaning. What's bothering me more, I hope the next time Christine updates me, everyone will have a big improvement in their timings.
Last Post before I enter NS
Friday, February 5, 2010 @ 1:19 AM
I think blogging is a form of inspiration, you can't possibly have everything to blog all the time. And yes sir, I'm out of motivation since the last post until now. Now I'm going in NS soon, this will probably be the last post I'll be posting for a long time to come. I doubt I will post much for NS, rather my heart is in canoeing. I want to see my juniors do well in competition so badly, so much that I want to give them my life but yet, the kind of inspiration comes only when I'm a week away from enlistment. I want to highlight 3 things that I would be thinking of during my enlistment.
(In the order of Importance)
#1: Kimberly
I think you're special. Because I have come to hate so many girls in my life, you being the exception makes you unique not in a way, not in two ways but in many ways. You have made life great for me this 1 week before my enlistment. You have been heng to me but I don't mind. You have been very very heng to me but I don't mind too. That's because, I'm meeting the real Kimberly, I know what you're thinking and know how you're feeling. I don't feel like I'm talking to someone wearing a face mask or someone pretending to be someone else. I feel genuine talking to you. It's a feeling you won't understand unless you live in my "fake" environment where most people pretends. Your very frank nature makes things comfortable, though you get heated up*heng* very fast. See how comfortable I feel? You should probably be as honest as you can with "him" and hint that he should be honest with you too for a happy, 2 sided relationship. Although it has only been a few days, you give the feeling that, "if it's a dream, I will choose to remain asleep." Thanks Kim. Thanks L4D2.
#2 Canoeing Junior
K4, you all must clinch a place among the top 4. Perfect that catch, twist that torso, train on increased frequency! Get the feel and strokes correct on low frequency and gradually increase your frequency. I don't believe in talent, strength, or technique. I believe in you 4, as a team. In my opinion, you all have everything you all need to know. Just go for it
K2 Pair 1 - Cyrus and Justin!
Don't be afraid to capsize! It's a good sign that you're making changes. Technical change is what you need. If you're paddling at your comfort zone, you are not working towards technical change. You're trying, changing your strokes, that's why you're capsizing. Good! Don't be demoralized. You 2 need to go back to the beginning. Slow frequency, master your catch, kick then twist from end to end. Read my manual on Catch and Pull phrase, along with the K4 section. Your aim should be, having the most power per stroke.
K2 Pair 2 - Yi Yong and Uhhh. Shyt. *slap myself*
Regatta is not an easy boat to master. I don't think I want you 2 to train on very high frequency using this beast. To do so, you 2 must be the most synchronized pair. Meaning, your concept of stroke must be the best among them all, even better than K4. Get a good catch, and try to practice on imbalance twisting, that is, your torso that move from 1 end to another end must be the fastest. That distance must also be the largest. Every stroke must give you the best surge. Kick then twist that imba twist! It should be enough to get you to semi-finals, if lucky, finals =)
K1 - Zuo Xian
K1 is tough but I want you to stand your ground. Face your enemy with courage. Though you won't have the speed you desire, you're gonna show them how good your stroke is. You need to work on your burst, and sustain all the way. The only way you can undo your competitor is to stay in front for the 1st 250m to give you an advantage over people eating back wash. The other 250m depend on your luck and your competitors already. Get your catch right, get your twist right and chiong high frequency already. I leave you to think about your maintenance
I think you're amusing. If it isn't for you, I'll never find courage to go down into bedok reservoir. Don't lose interest in canoeing ok? I don't want your 21 inch bicep to fade =(. You gotta find yourself a bf soon if not you will end up curve for training too many KC girls. Faster give lots of tuition and buy yourself 1 boat, then I can share with you your boat without fear of damaging Mr. Chua's boat*evil grin*
Your size suggests that you're dependable. Thanks for always trying to put me on your activity list though I make a bad player. That does not mean I'm pang seh king. Don't guai lan me when I book out. My pool will probably be more accurate given the marksmanship course. I thrash you 7-dragon-pearl (7 long zhu) then you know. Guai lan somemore, let you slow-death in pool. Heh heh, don't worry about love lah. You should watch "who move my cheese" seriously and your heart problems will be no more.
#3 TAN YU HIANG KRISTINE(not i bias. by alphabet, you come before TAN REN YI)
Can you don't always get into trouble? Insurance is starting to be your buddy instead of me. I don't mind though. I'm losing blood everyday, because I'm literally bleeding with generosity for you. Can you please, clean up your table room, before you start asking yourself "who move your cheese". HAHA. I recommended it to Ren Yi but that TUA KEY ended up fast forwarding everything, so annoying. Can you please take care of yourself in future? And take heart in not being able to enter the course you want. I seriously doubt you will be doing psychology in future, given your chaotic nature. You'll counsel someone with a volleyball or a wall-nut instead of, psychology -.-. Don't forget me when I'm in NS.
I think you're a very amusing senior. I used to hate having seniors but you changed the picture. Although you're kinda fierce at times, I think I can always use "welcome to old navy" to change the atmosphere. Hehe. Worst, I can just, REFRESHING. I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW! HAHA. I always love to act like Eddie Murphy in front of you and watch your reaction fade from a O.O. ---> o.o ---> ._. ---> grrrrrrrrrrrrr. HAHA. I want to faster book out and be amused by you again. Or rather, I think I want to fulfill my duty as a junior to amuse you. Once again, Welcome to old navy!
#4 My Computer
Haiz. Windows 7. I think you're good. but you're gonna make me miss you. Damn sian. I want to put you #10 for making me so miserable, but no you, no L4D2, no Kimberly so I put you #4 lor. =/
#5 Kayak Strokes Illustration
This has been my pride. I want to look at it over and over again. I'll miss you when I'm inside NS.
#... Such a long post. Haha. I guess I'll log off. See ya people. I'm off.
#2 Canoeing Junior
K4, you all must clinch a place among the top 4. Perfect that catch, twist that torso, train on increased frequency! Get the feel and strokes correct on low frequency and gradually increase your frequency. I don't believe in talent, strength, or technique. I believe in you 4, as a team. In my opinion, you all have everything you all need to know. Just go for it
K2 Pair 1 - Cyrus and Justin!
Don't be afraid to capsize! It's a good sign that you're making changes. Technical change is what you need. If you're paddling at your comfort zone, you are not working towards technical change. You're trying, changing your strokes, that's why you're capsizing. Good! Don't be demoralized. You 2 need to go back to the beginning. Slow frequency, master your catch, kick then twist from end to end. Read my manual on Catch and Pull phrase, along with the K4 section. Your aim should be, having the most power per stroke.
K2 Pair 2 - Yi Yong and Uhhh. Shyt. *slap myself*
Regatta is not an easy boat to master. I don't think I want you 2 to train on very high frequency using this beast. To do so, you 2 must be the most synchronized pair. Meaning, your concept of stroke must be the best among them all, even better than K4. Get a good catch, and try to practice on imbalance twisting, that is, your torso that move from 1 end to another end must be the fastest. That distance must also be the largest. Every stroke must give you the best surge. Kick then twist that imba twist! It should be enough to get you to semi-finals, if lucky, finals =)
K1 - Zuo Xian
K1 is tough but I want you to stand your ground. Face your enemy with courage. Though you won't have the speed you desire, you're gonna show them how good your stroke is. You need to work on your burst, and sustain all the way. The only way you can undo your competitor is to stay in front for the 1st 250m to give you an advantage over people eating back wash. The other 250m depend on your luck and your competitors already. Get your catch right, get your twist right and chiong high frequency already. I leave you to think about your maintenance
I think you're amusing. If it isn't for you, I'll never find courage to go down into bedok reservoir. Don't lose interest in canoeing ok? I don't want your 21 inch bicep to fade =(. You gotta find yourself a bf soon if not you will end up curve for training too many KC girls. Faster give lots of tuition and buy yourself 1 boat, then I can share with you your boat without fear of damaging Mr. Chua's boat*evil grin*
Your size suggests that you're dependable. Thanks for always trying to put me on your activity list though I make a bad player. That does not mean I'm pang seh king. Don't guai lan me when I book out. My pool will probably be more accurate given the marksmanship course. I thrash you 7-dragon-pearl (7 long zhu) then you know. Guai lan somemore, let you slow-death in pool. Heh heh, don't worry about love lah. You should watch "who move my cheese" seriously and your heart problems will be no more.
#3 TAN YU HIANG KRISTINE(not i bias. by alphabet, you come before TAN REN YI)
Can you don't always get into trouble? Insurance is starting to be your buddy instead of me. I don't mind though. I'm losing blood everyday, because I'm literally bleeding with generosity for you. Can you please, clean up your table room, before you start asking yourself "who move your cheese". HAHA. I recommended it to Ren Yi but that TUA KEY ended up fast forwarding everything, so annoying. Can you please take care of yourself in future? And take heart in not being able to enter the course you want. I seriously doubt you will be doing psychology in future, given your chaotic nature. You'll counsel someone with a volleyball or a wall-nut instead of, psychology -.-. Don't forget me when I'm in NS.
I think you're a very amusing senior. I used to hate having seniors but you changed the picture. Although you're kinda fierce at times, I think I can always use "welcome to old navy" to change the atmosphere. Hehe. Worst, I can just, REFRESHING. I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW! HAHA. I always love to act like Eddie Murphy in front of you and watch your reaction fade from a O.O. ---> o.o ---> ._. ---> grrrrrrrrrrrrr. HAHA. I want to faster book out and be amused by you again. Or rather, I think I want to fulfill my duty as a junior to amuse you. Once again, Welcome to old navy!
#4 My Computer
Haiz. Windows 7. I think you're good. but you're gonna make me miss you. Damn sian. I want to put you #10 for making me so miserable, but no you, no L4D2, no Kimberly so I put you #4 lor. =/
#5 Kayak Strokes Illustration
This has been my pride. I want to look at it over and over again. I'll miss you when I'm inside NS.
#... Such a long post. Haha. I guess I'll log off. See ya people. I'm off.
Labels: Last Post before I enter NS