This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Finding a deeper purpose
Sunday, August 15, 2010 @ 8:44 PM

If everyone can always apply areas in which they are good or useful at in their every day life in other people's life, wouldn't the world be a better place?

Yesterday I have done something out of my own free will and something of my own character. Unknowingly, it has help out a friend in need. Well of course it would be great if it can happen all the times. How sweet it would be if your natural behavior can always render help to some one.

What if, you're stuck in an environment in which you're horrible at. You see that many people need help but you're not in the position to help others. You do not even have the capability and will to help yourself. I feel this is a mismatch of resources that the world is facing: having the right person at the wrong place, and it is something that human cannot seem to tolerate. In short, it means that people cannot seem to appreciate where other people's strength lies.

Of course, I am always trying to make the best out of every single day. I am never lazy at the things which I'm required to do. I'm so emotional lately, thinking about myself, thinking of friends, thinking about my gf-would-be, thinking about life.

Fresh Start
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 @ 5:54 PM

It has been long since I last posted on my blog, which by now I'm sure that it is pretty much a deserted ground. Sometimes when life seems to progress so fast, it is worthwhile to take a deep breathe, look back and recount your steps. It isn't the best way to restart my blog with a disappointing post after so long. Nonetheless, there are some feelings that, I wish to keep during my journey at this point in life.

... ... I wish to remind myself that I'm after all, a canoeist at heart and a volley baller by passion. These are two sports that really defines me and I can identify myself with them. I really miss the days where I'm close to these two sports.

It is at this point in time where I can truly the pain of how it is like to be wronged. It is not something that is hard to change. It is not correcting your own mistakes. The real pain, I feel, is being faulted when you are sure that you are doing things right, or at least exhibiting traits that are aligned with moral values. Or rather, there may be times when your point of view and perception may be blocked when the sky hits a full moon. Whatever the case, the situation that I'm in makes me feel so unsure of myself. Never have I existed in an environment that I have to clarify time and time again for fear of getting things wrong, or never have I been so doubtful of my own memory.

I can probably take whatever that comes along. I'm old enough, strong enough, stubborn enough to handle whatever that drops on me. At least, tough times bring along true friends. Tough times will open up your eyes to many things. Conversely, the contradiction is also true. Tough times may result in you trusting yourself more and others less. Tough times allow me to appreciate other kind of music - avatar soundtrack. I grow to love trance after one surprisingly tough incident in which I manage to survive.

Times like this reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow too. "close your eyes and pretend its all a bad dream."

There is a big problem. If someone hate you, the problem may be that its hard to change yourself. I'm faced with the situation that, I tried too hard changing that I'm making life sour.

On a brighter note, I trust and do believe that everything will turn out fine in the end and you will end up where you are meant to be. You are destined to rise up and shine if you hang on to your beliefs, principle, and values.

I learn something important from the environment I exist in. Put things right! Make things happen. I have learn to look up and be proud(but I got caught for my beard and were punished... haha.) Like what everyone says, be positive. Hey! If someone has to tell me this, I guess my optimism has really dropped huh. Well, at least I changed, for the better, or for the worst.
