This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
For the unfortunate during Mid Terms
Thursday, September 29, 2011 @ 1:00 AM

Disclaimer: Not for the hate-to-read-long-post people. I shall not no responsibility for your fatigue eyes!

Hello People! I'm sure in this dog and bone race, there are those who are unfortunate enough not to get up to be among the cream of the crop, aka didn't do as well for mid term as they hope to be, like me. Looking ahead, I think my mid terms is in a dangerous state of affairs but then I believe there are still reasons why you should smile or rejoice.

Here's some

1) No Pain No Change. Pain bring about changes and changes as a result of pain usually gets you more comfortable in the end, although the process is usually not. The easiest way to switch to study mood is an unfavorable mid terms. We're not as fortunate as those people who's study mood is ON all the time. We're after all, humans and importantly, we have a life.

2) We're here in NUS after all. Remember those days when you screw up your Prelims and you think to yourself "Hey, I'll never be able to make it." This is just another moment where it's just like this where it's just devils in your mind. So hey let's command the devil out of our mind.

3) Trends have shown that doing badly is a good form of motivation, and often fear and rage is the best driver of human motivation. Doing badly makes you fearful, and at the same time, angry towards the outcome. As Professor X believes, "true focus lies somewhere between fear and rage". I believe now you have the ingredient for success

4) This is a cliche point but hey, mid term usually tells you something about your study methodology. It's time to review it.

5) You'll almost definitely find true friends in time of crisis for it is the darkness moment where true friends are still burning and shining in your world. Heheheh

6) And sometimes, prior to a major event, you'll find a post like this which will hopefully brighten up the rest of your semester ahead! HAHA. After all, you're not alone. It's time to bring up the dear old Optimus Prime from Transformer 3 and his quote: "The fight is never yours alone."

7) I strongly believe every thing has a good and bad side to it. It is not entirely positive to get good results, not entirely negative to screw up results.

I think sometimes in our struggle and busy life we ought to examine our identity and our purpose here. Be who you were born to be. Be a student! At the end of the day, studies is only as interesting as how you want to make it out to be. I have only one philosophy for studies: Enjoy your examination. We have all studied so hard, so why don't we put our hard work and enjoy tackling those questions. Although I did miserable for my MA1505 paper, but I thoroughly enjoyed it because I have put up a good show(Although not a good fight.)

At the end of the day I believe studies is as interesting as how you perceive it to be. To end this off to those unfortunate enough, here's another quotation from my GREAT MATHS TEACHER who's in AJC now: "As long as it's time spent in studies, it's time well spent as it will translate into something positive through understanding something, although it might not always be reflective in your results." So NEVER believe that your effort has gone down to waste.

To the people reading this, I'll like to end off by saying this from Spiderman 3: "With great power comes great responsibility." The fact that we're in NUS means we're bestowed with great power from our intelligence. Let us be responsible to our powers by giving it enough time and heart in return. After all, we'll never know one of us might be a mutant, granted with some special ability. Live life to the fullest and enjoy studies before Magneto puts a coin through you or Storm sends you into heaven through a tornado.

