This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Ken Constitution
Monday, June 25, 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Kenneth's Personal Constitution

Mission: Happiness derived from the duty of contributing to society through helping people.

Vision: To become a source of wisdom with an open mindedness through the assimilation of knowledge through books, experience and conversation to further enhance the ability to value add to society.

Goal:  To be a teacher amongst teachers.

Values: Character Strength, Open-Mindedness, Sense of Duty, Gratitude, Optimism


I am a citizen of Singapore

My duty is to ensure that our country has a future

I believe the best security for our country future is in a solid foundation of Education for the young

I will embrace opportunities to develop myself to be a better teacher

I will talk to anyone who is willing to talk to me

I will embark on a journey in search for greater wisdom

I will do what is right as opposed to what is easy

I make decisions in my life base on core principles and values.

I will return favor to those who has contributed to my future, to family and country

I believe there is something worth dying for, hence something worth living for.

I see pleasurable things in life as a privilege than something I should possess for mysef

Through values I can gain emotional freedom

Through values and logic I will lead, excel and overcome

I dedicate my life to ensure our country has a future.

Life's Philosophy
Saturday, June 23, 2012 @ 5:50 PM

All I know is that I know nothing

Do you do what's right or what's easy

Conversation over wine or coffee

First understand, then be understood

Never proof a man wrong, for even the man who has committed the gravest crime will never admit that he is wrong.

The logic of life

If decision in life is not based on logic, then the outcome can only be that which is illogical.

Value. wow
Saturday, June 9, 2012 @ 4:14 PM

A value has value only if its value is valued.

Learning Points
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 @ 1:55 AM

Learn to read trend, and why these trends develop, and what is the driving force behind trends.

Learn to read and classify people's interest, what is their position, and how are they coping in society, and how do they fit in with the larger scope of things.

Education Community Project
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 @ 9:13 PM

One more person died due to stress in studies.

It is really time that I start doing something.

I am going to start my journey as a teacher, someone who is able to impart my life skills as a philosopher relating to life as a student in Singapore.

I'm gonna offer my advice on a variety of issues.

I'm gonna do a proper marketing and reach out to the necessary schools & college.

Mission Statement: Provides a one stop service that provides a way of thinking to allow students to effectively approach related issues in their life.

Conversation to Yingling:

Hey Yingling.
Remember I told you that I wanted to start a book on providing advices on education in Singapore? I decided that the book, not yet. However, I'm gonna do up a web site for it.
I'm gonna work my way up, systematically writing for quite a variety of issues, and then I'm gonna market it out on facebook. This is the mission:

Mission Statement: Provides a one stop service that aims to promote a way of thinking to allow students to effectively approach related issues in their life.
In addition, I'm gonna set up an account so that troubled kids can send me email if they seek further clarification.
And in time to come, perhaps the support is quite enough so that I can organize workshop on life, and get sponsorship for renting classroom.
Why I can succeed. I believe I have the necessary philosophy, experience & advice on most of the issues that young people & teenage faces.
will people agree with me? That's not my aim. I will succeed if I can get people to think about this issue, parents & child alike.
I have seen enough of my friends, and friends of friends, suffering in the scope of education and life in Singapore, and recently a girl committed suicide. I realize even if I can get to MOE, i will not be able to reach out far enough.
I'm convinced that the trend in youngsters, those who have difficulty coping with studies, those who are not contended with life and therefore poisoned by the luxurious of life, are going to make our generation a horrible one if nothing is done.
in time, I hope to set up a community that share the same mindset as me on helping the youth in their psychological aspects. And they will be the arm that will be replying out in email to my established sites.
It shall be something like Teenage, and 8Days teenage column. I do not know how they operate. What's listed on their magazine is not enough. There are books published out there, but not all teenage share the same context.
You are so far, the most talented artist I have met to date. You are creative, passionate, and bursting with energy. I'm sure your design will definitely be a boost to the web site I'm creating.
I'm gonna rope in Computing students too in the set up of the web site. It can be coined as a project by NUS student as community service, guided by my mission.
What do you say of it.

7 Sins
Monday, June 4, 2012 @ 8:52 PM


@ 8:50 PM

Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something.

Philosophy in life
Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 10:31 PM

For me, that's a tricky 1 for me to derive at first. I place myself 80 years later, what would I want to be remembered for. Money? Fame? Nah. All those wouldn't matter. I look at steve job, remembered for improving the life of the digital world. Lee Kuan Yew, who spend his life fighting for Singapore, remembered for creating an environment great for us Singaporean, and even at old age, worrying for Singapore. I look at myself. What are human made for. why are we made to be rationale. why are we made to be able to talk & communicate. we are different from animals in these 2 aspects. Hence, we have a purpose to it, 1st to be reasonable in life and by being able to talk, we have a duty towards our family, friends, statesmen and the world. What do I want to remembered as? Someone who can make a difference to this world.

I growed up in an environment of materialistic people, arrogance, and selfishness. I grow up in a world where people despite having everything, are discontented about everything. I want to know. I want to find out the answers. Everyone want to achieve happiness. I want too. Those people pursued all those things, good career, good money, they don't feel happy. What is my definition of happiness. I see life, then as the journey to find happiness. So what is happiness? how can I achieve it.

In my definition, happiness is the state of feeling good, and it should be something that is permanent, not temporary that goes with the tide. And i believe since happiness is a feeling, it is something difficult to achieve. The easiest thing in this world is to be affected by emotions, i.e. it's damn easy to get angry. In contrast, it is also damn difficult to feel good. Hence I conclude if happiness means feeling good, I have a damn heck of a time. It must then depends on something that is more, controllable and hence I decided it's my mentality instead. If i have a willpower, so much such that I can control whatever I want to do, and control whatever i don't want to do, I will be free of suffering.

Someone once asked Socrates, you do not change the food you eat, you eat cheap stuffs. Is it because you do not have the $$ to buy good wine and meat? Socrates replied: I eat poor stuffs, but I'm satisfied with them. You on the other hand, crave for good food, and without good food, you are not happy. Aren't you at the suffering or mercy of the need for pleasure? Not only food, the craving for sex, great food, fame, luxury. I on the other hand, need none of this to be satisfied.

Through Socrates, I realize that we human suffer a lot, cause we crave for so many things. I decided therefore that, if I can be free of all this, I can be happy, in my own mood at least. Therefore, my mentality should be strong.

Apart from a good mentality, I should have something to work towards, that can make me proud in life. Since we have a duty towards people, why not, let my philosophy in life, be that to help people, by helping them in their mentality.

I therefore, see my definition of life, is to be happy, and happiness to achieve via a strong mentality, to withstand the craving of human nature, and with this mentality, to adapt to whatever that intends to make me miserable, like jobs, failure, and to help those whom I have a duty towards, to my friends, family and next time country.
and therefore, having this philosophy in life, I can assure my lasting happiness, by focusing on the strengthening of my mentality, and a journey to gain wisdom, I believe I can achieve happiness, which is my arching philosophy in life.
consider the maxim that, it isn't the thing you love that comes. it is what you have come to love. So, yep. come to appreciate what life has to offer, and appreciate each of us is special in our own rights. Success is our effort crafted by our will, is a part of us. So the weakness in us, that makes for failure, a part of us too. And each of us is special Sean. How meaningless life will be if you're born to own in everything, born to be rich to buy all things.

Lesson From World Greatest Man
@ 2:49 PM

It is always amazing that whenever you think you have understood and learn enough, another part of the world always has something equally thought invoking and invigorating to show you. I have learned a lot from the great man from Greek, Socrates that he was the one who taught me how to think, he was the one who taught me how to learn. 

It is never the easiest journey to learn about life, but when you do, life has a lot to show you. It is easy to go through life without knowing what you need to think about, what you need to know about, what you need to understand, and what is expected of you.

School Education in Singapore has taught us the minimum of what we need to learn, that our life fits into one that has everything planned out for you. Because you are never forced to think outside your school life apart from following the usual track, one is never exposed to the uncertainty as well as turbulence of life. In Singapore, we are so sheltered from the dangers that we grow up to feel that the world is never dangerous and that the world is like a bed of roses. 

Through the mastery of Socratic inquiry,  what will Socrates ask if he was here alive and kicking today. He taught me how to question, what is life, what is human's function and role, what should we become, what is the way to live life, how life should be, what should we become. From it, it has appeared to me that human is made to be rationale and communicative. In that sense, human should do their best to be rationale creatures, and have a social duty to family,  friends, community and the nation. 

In the initial years of Singapore, we learned that we need to learn. We understand that we need to think and assess situation for ourselves, to inquire into the meaning of the things that we do. Since young, we are told what is right and wrong. The greatest feat of education in fact, is that we are taught how to reason with things, imploring the use of logic. The things we are never exposed to is in fact, that we need to one day, decide for ourselves what is right or wrong, what is reasonable and what is not. 

In my society, we are so much told and convinced to follow through other people's line of reasoning, rarely questioning it, rarely utilizing our own ability to question. Most of Singaporean grow up thinking that they have learned what they need to learn, but in actual fact, feel ready to depart from Education the moment they are able to.

An issue can appear logical in 2 ways, an appeal through the emotions and an appeal to the logic. Many people feel insulted the moment they are told that they react through emotions. One need not dwell much into observation before realizing that many actions reflect its truth. For instance, the inability to reject lust or good food. Almost all men know that sex do not man good, and he is lucky if he is not harmed by it. However, few can resist it. Almost all human today are educated on the health implication of nasty food, but few can resist them and eventually ran into a health crisis. Are we then, not human who lives by our instinct & emotions instead of logic and reasoning. The greatest testimony to this is how easily human can get angry. 

Problems in human race exist because men cannot live by the rule of a logical approach but rather by our emotion. Most conflict are started by emotions generate by the uneasiness of living with something that seem unfamiliar, situation that seem different. 

One need not know the great men behind my country to know that he is a great man, looking at the insights and consideration behind contentious issues. I have a lot more to learn from him. And from him, the greatest lesson that I can learn from is that, men needs to have conviction, and through that conviction, the belief behind it. Occupation never exist because of money, but money is an incentive for the occupation. When you get it wrong, life becomes a process where money becomes the master, and in return you have become it's slave.

I have learned a great deal from reading the books on life, on social issues, on politics and philosophy. This is therefore, the route that Physics has empowered me, the ability to think, and through that, understanding of my knowledge as citizen to the country, as an existence to boost the welfare of mankind. I am therefore, in control of my own life, so that I can better be able to educate and improve the life of others, to help them find a place in this world.