This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Lesson From World Greatest Man
Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 2:49 PM
It is always amazing that whenever you think you have understood and learn enough, another part of the world always has something equally thought invoking and invigorating to show you. I have learned a lot from the great man from Greek, Socrates that he was the one who taught me how to think, he was the one who taught me how to learn.
It is never the easiest journey to learn about life, but when you do, life has a lot to show you. It is easy to go through life without knowing what you need to think about, what you need to know about, what you need to understand, and what is expected of you.
School Education in Singapore has taught us the minimum of what we need to learn, that our life fits into one that has everything planned out for you. Because you are never forced to think outside your school life apart from following the usual track, one is never exposed to the uncertainty as well as turbulence of life. In Singapore, we are so sheltered from the dangers that we grow up to feel that the world is never dangerous and that the world is like a bed of roses.
Through the mastery of Socratic inquiry, what will Socrates ask if he was here alive and kicking today. He taught me how to question, what is life, what is human's function and role, what should we become, what is the way to live life, how life should be, what should we become. From it, it has appeared to me that human is made to be rationale and communicative. In that sense, human should do their best to be rationale creatures, and have a social duty to family, friends, community and the nation.
In the initial years of Singapore, we learned that we need to learn. We understand that we need to think and assess situation for ourselves, to inquire into the meaning of the things that we do. Since young, we are told what is right and wrong. The greatest feat of education in fact, is that we are taught how to reason with things, imploring the use of logic. The things we are never exposed to is in fact, that we need to one day, decide for ourselves what is right or wrong, what is reasonable and what is not.
In my society, we are so much told and convinced to follow through other people's line of reasoning, rarely questioning it, rarely utilizing our own ability to question. Most of Singaporean grow up thinking that they have learned what they need to learn, but in actual fact, feel ready to depart from Education the moment they are able to.
An issue can appear logical in 2 ways, an appeal through the emotions and an appeal to the logic. Many people feel insulted the moment they are told that they react through emotions. One need not dwell much into observation before realizing that many actions reflect its truth. For instance, the inability to reject lust or good food. Almost all men know that sex do not man good, and he is lucky if he is not harmed by it. However, few can resist it. Almost all human today are educated on the health implication of nasty food, but few can resist them and eventually ran into a health crisis. Are we then, not human who lives by our instinct & emotions instead of logic and reasoning. The greatest testimony to this is how easily human can get angry.
Problems in human race exist because men cannot live by the rule of a logical approach but rather by our emotion. Most conflict are started by emotions generate by the uneasiness of living with something that seem unfamiliar, situation that seem different.
One need not know the great men behind my country to know that he is a great man, looking at the insights and consideration behind contentious issues. I have a lot more to learn from him. And from him, the greatest lesson that I can learn from is that, men needs to have conviction, and through that conviction, the belief behind it. Occupation never exist because of money, but money is an incentive for the occupation. When you get it wrong, life becomes a process where money becomes the master, and in return you have become it's slave.
I have learned a great deal from reading the books on life, on social issues, on politics and philosophy. This is therefore, the route that Physics has empowered me, the ability to think, and through that, understanding of my knowledge as citizen to the country, as an existence to boost the welfare of mankind. I am therefore, in control of my own life, so that I can better be able to educate and improve the life of others, to help them find a place in this world.