This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Start with a Resolve, Survive with a frown, End with a smile
Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 6:08 PM
Start with a resolve, Survive with a Frown, End with a SmileIt makes a lot of sense, since if you don't aim and stick to the resolution, you won't get anywhere. If you don't survive with a frown, you're not trying hard enough, if you don't end with a smile, you know you did not give it your full effort, or because of comfortable reasons like not preparing hard enough.
Today is a significant day. Today is the last official day of canoeing. It's the official end to our career. I have nothing much to say. Though we can't really chance a victory upon T2, somehow I got this inner most feeling, this feeling of being satisfied, this feeling of having understand and seen through many things. Victory, medal, both meant nothing to me. It's not an Olympic Medal or the National Canoe Championship medal. I just happy that, I'm given this chance to race T2 with my partner again. Win or lose, screwed or peaked, every race is a good race. A screwed race, we learn, a peaked race, we embrace. There's nothing too pitiful.
And what about this. No use hiding already. I make this to inspire someone to continue fighting, even though the person might feel that the chances are slim, even though the training sessions are short. Nevertheless, cactus is resilient towards harsh weather condition of high heat and little water, reflecting the tough racing condition of high competition and little welfare. And of course, everything is worth fighting for. Remember it dude, it's for you, specially.
So. It's time to close the curtain with my last breathe.
"One team, one smell, one identity."
I wish this moment would never part with me, I love you canoeists, I swear I do.
Today is a significant day. Today is the last official day of canoeing. It's the official end to our career. I have nothing much to say. Though we can't really chance a victory upon T2, somehow I got this inner most feeling, this feeling of being satisfied, this feeling of having understand and seen through many things. Victory, medal, both meant nothing to me. It's not an Olympic Medal or the National Canoe Championship medal. I just happy that, I'm given this chance to race T2 with my partner again. Win or lose, screwed or peaked, every race is a good race. A screwed race, we learn, a peaked race, we embrace. There's nothing too pitiful.

So. It's time to close the curtain with my last breathe.
"One team, one smell, one identity."
I wish this moment would never part with me, I love you canoeists, I swear I do.