This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Corny Love
Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 9:24 PM

Student: Hey Teacher, what love is all about
Teacher: Go out to the field, pick the biggest corn you can find, but you cannot backtrack to pick any corn you see. Then I will tell you the answer

So the student set out to find the corn. He saw a large corn, but he did not pick it cause he knows there will be bigger corn out there. So he move on and he is right, he saw a fatter, larger corn. He didn't pluck it, he still went on in search for bigger and fatter corn but to his dismay he didn't see any as large as the corn he previously saw. So he return to the teacher empty handed.

Teacher: Where is your corn
Student: I didn't pluck. I went past the biggest corn and I can't move back to pluck it
Teacher: That's what love is all about. There are many corns out there but also you may miss the right one that come by. So you must always grab the opportunity and cherish your chances, no matter if its the fattest corn, it's still a superior corn, as long as it caught your eye.

This story has ignited my desires to blog about a few things that has been lingering in my mind a few years ago, and nowadays, occasionally, but here goes... anyway(I'm typing without emotions nor feelings, just plain thoughts and ideas, expressing all the understanding and ideas I have about bgr.)

I know there's quite a significant group of people out there, terming us teenager as being immatured and not being in the right state of mind to really express and pursue our "targets". To an extent it may be true, but no matter how big the forest may be, we might just pass the 1 who is really meant for us. So no matter how vague, how empty, how unpromising and how idealistic and unpractical us guys may sound, we're just merely a victim of opportunities that are presented to us. After all, who wants a relationship that don't work?

And I know, and many people know, that winning a girls heart is a form of trade and it requires you to master the tool of your trade, strategies and in many ways, you need to know and plan how you approach a girl. Many people have been telling me whenever I'm asking around, whenever I'm trying and whenever I failed. They said my failure is hugely directed towards my lack of approach, that I'm too stubborn for my own good. I'm just thinking, if such affairs needed anything more than sincerity, is it then still as simple as pure?

So actually to think back. I've been with 2 extreme cliche before. One cliche, full of guys, super nice, super gentleman, super caring. The other cliche. full of gangsters, rockers and uh, trendy people you know. Both cliche, most people are attached, in fact, everybody is attached before apart from me. Throughout this year, the gf of the gentleman's cliche consistently ditch them, and it would always be the gf that is unreasonable and the gf would be all source of problems, and worst, initiate the breakup. On the other hand, the ah beng's cliche, is always toying around with girls, making gf pay for meals, and making the gf lose out in one way or another, and I have never seen the guys get ditched before. I don't understand the trend. The notions that girls like gentleman(as I once thought it out to be) all collaspe in thin air. Surely things can't be that simple? It ain't that coincidental either. I have never seen a cliche with proper balance, equal probablity of both party ditching one another. It's always an one sided affair. Is it because of environment? because of mentality? law of attraction? when you're in a environment where everyone's gentleman and used to getting ditched, used to getting the unreasonablility of woman, you feel a need to get ditched too. I don't know. "Guys are always the jerks?" Girls gotta think twice.

And you know, I know its very tough to be the nice guys. I once pursued the notion of being gentleman, to make the world a better place to live in. I thought the world are full of jerks. I watched too much drama series. But it turn out otherwise. These guys are just probably finding the true meaning of love, and in it they found despair, they found disappointment and emptiness instead. On the other hand, I wouldn't envy those get it all jerks either. They have gf, they have emotional satisfaction, they break up with girls, they have self esteem. What does it serve? They're no success or admiration in holding on to false glory. To the nice guys out there, it's the hardest thing on Earth to be nice. Press on and you shall find true love one day. I promise. To all the world's good guy, let me toast 1 cup to you ! And if there's another question, we nice guys will never understand what girls are thinking, why they would pick ah beng over gentleman and allow themselves to be subjected to so much undesirability.

There are so many so many questions going on in my head and none of them are answered. I have come to 1 stand and final conclusion. There's no 1 correct answer nor solution to anything pertaining to bgr. None of the questions above, can have a definite answer. If you ask me, given one life, live like there's no tomorrow. Go for it, and never look back, and never regret. that's one thing I understand from the various episodes of love.

The story of the corn is so meaningful that I feel bad not dedicating a meaningful article to it. Here it is, I ain't emo ok. I'm not thinking of anything at the moment now. : ) Oh well. eat corn tonight. be corny. HAHA
