This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
J Test
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 11:39 PM

It was a random conversation, well not really random. This person reply rate is like 1 reply in 10. Nonetheless, something came into my mind. I was thinking of a test, a set of criteria that can be used to assess how interesting a person you are. Let's see, if I draft out that standard base on this person's interest, topic of interest

  1. TV!!
  2. Jokes
  3. General Knowledge(Ice Cream, Chocolate, everything sweet la, haiyo!
  4. Latest Guy Idol (5566? Jay Chou? F4? or Luo Zhi Xiang)
  5. Sweet Talk

These are in the order of her interest(I guess?) and so I decided to call it the J-test. How interesting a person you are to that person depend on how well you can build a conversation based on these themes. From this I shall build upon a theory call, the theory of relative closeness to a person.

Kenneth's Theory Of Relativity(Act Chim! Hehe. This has nothing to do with Nuclear Physics)

How close a person is to a person is measured on how well the person can touch on the topic of interest. FOR INSTANCE! Joey will be a closer friend to this person as she possesses a high interest in TV as compared to someone who is not so. Joey will be closer to this person than someone who may be very good in jokes. Isn't this cute? Actually these are all crap. They are either superficial or inapplicable in the real world. I made this up so that I can have the name of Kenneth's Theory of Relativity. HAHA! (Background Info: Einstein's Theory of Relativity : E = mc^2Sick

If you have studied too much during these days, you should know what's coming up. ANTI THESIS! You know my model is not all that bad. It provides you with a valuable insight on how you're going to attack a conversation to achieve better tie with that person. Beware though, it's going to be boring if you're going to attack it every time. After all, things like TV is exhaustible right? Hoho, you need to have citation from women sources. TV fanatics will never agree. Nowadays I find the word TV cute. Maybe TV stands for [T]eddy Bear(this is cute I suppose) [V]ersion. OK I conclude this is a bad attempt to be funny... so I shall go to sleep. Tata!