This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
H2 Economics Paper 2: (My thoughts for that 30seconds)
Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 7:54 PM
This post came late. I wanted to blog this but somehow I forgotten until I kind of remember it while in a conversation with Priscillia. Anyway, back to topic! I wanted to say, paper 2 was very tough. In fact, I almost fainted when I first look at it. Like Jasline(in the past….HAHA), I wonder if I took the wrong paper. The questions look strangely unfamiliar. It’s very intimidating. I look almost as if, the paper was coming alive to haunt me. For a moment, if the paper was alive, it would look like this(below) would look like this(below)
At that moment, of course, being an innocent me, I couldn’t help but feel threatened(below) I kind of black out. I started to picture the dreadful consequences if I dare fail. Those foreign aid from Priscillia and Elvis will be GONE. All my dreams, gone, vanish. In fact, it feels as if, A level would just end here. But then, cannot la. They would be angry if I spend more time thinking of them than on my paper. At least, fail also must fail with pride.

Therefore, I pull myself together and focus. I know everything good hinges upon this, what I can do for this paper. I’m not the only one feeling the heat. It’s strange. For this moment one more person came into my thoughts. It’s strange but it’s my coach, Mr. Chua. I remembered those words he say on: You mustn’t fear the waves and tide. The waves don’t affect just you alone. To win, you must let it affect you least. That’s how it is.” My world immediately stabilized. Color is once again restored(below) and I’m ready to embrace the enemy before me.

And I rose up to the challenge. I know that, success/failure would be 2h 15mins again. Even if I don’t make it, I must still leave the examination and tell myself: You may kill me but you may never insult me. Others may fear you but not me. Others may be intimated but not me. Others may suffer you but not me. So come forward and have a taste of how it would feels like to be slice up by a knowledge that has the depth of H1000. Even if it means faking up a fierce front, I’ll do it. ROAR!

CHARGE! For Econs!