Today starts one of the most fruitful beginning to a MSN conversation, but … …it reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend
What defines a good friendship, a strong friendship, a lasting friendship. I was asked. I thought it had to be quite simple. I only had an answer: fulfilling conversation, one in which both could be equally engaged and participative and no other distraction. Her reply was, huge. “WHAT!? That’s all?” Very astonished and very surprised. You may think the same way, but at this time and age, such low requirements hardly get fulfilled, in fact not even close. Be it phone, people would be multi-tasking. Be it MSN, this is the worst source. Be it meeting out, there would be SMS-ing.
Her requirement was, to hang out together often. I don’t really agree with her and she don’t really agree with me. That brings me to one thing, we each have different requirement. I surveyed another on the sport, she too only requires some meet up, occasionally also can.
But then, I guess I’m cheap to have as a friend, too cheap sometimes. It crosses my thought to expel those who can’t even hold a conversation, those whom I once called friends, no matter how close before, no matter how friendly we were before. Or maybe, the currency in today’s world is no longer in conversation. But then, if a simple conversation is impossible, how the need to hang out?