This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Only in Threatres: Corny Love
Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 6:30 PM
I thought of something super cute.... If I'm a producer ... ...
Jun De as Kenneth's Punching Bag
Bryan Lim as Crap Talker
Jonathan Chng as Love Sage
Ren Yi as The Business Man
Xavier as A Critique
Wei Jia as Mr. Lame
Calista Lim Yi Jun as The Mother
Tan Wei Wen as The Auntie
X as Kenneth's Crush (Don't know what to input for X)
Character Previews:
Having just graduated from Boys Primary School, Kenneth is now enrolled in a mixed school which exposes him to a world with females. He found the latest trend of Boy Girl Relationship to be the biggest addition to his Secondary School life and is all too ready to explore it. What caught his attention from his lifestyle and environment is that guys are jerks in relationship and have left many ladies disoriented and disheartened. He is now ready to show the world that he is both a gentleman as well as a good bf. However, are gentleman and warm-hearted really what girls are looking for? It is not long before he finds himself in trouble
Jun De as Kenneth's Punching Bag
Bryan Lim as Crap Talker
Jonathan Chng as Love Sage
Ren Yi as The Business Man
Xavier as A Critique
Wei Jia as Mr. Lame
Calista Lim Yi Jun as The Mother
Tan Wei Wen as The Auntie
X as Kenneth's Crush (Don't know what to input for X)
Character Previews:
Jun De(Punching Bag... "enough meat"): Kenneth ah Kenneth, whole day think about girls only*Makes sarcastic face*
Bryan Lim(Crap Talker): Aiyo. Girls? Don't girls lah. Let's talk cock sing song play mahjong!
Jonathan Chng(Love Sage): Rejected? Just move on Kenneth. The forest's is big, why give up on them
Xavier(Critique): I don't understand why you people believe in something call chasing. I mean like, it's such a stupid thing. If there's mutual love, then you 2 will be together already. What's the basis behind this chase chase thing.
Wei Jia(Mr. Lame): Kenneth don't sad. The Healing Process starts with a lame joke!
Calista(the MOTHER): YOU REJECTED!? You dare to tell me you engaging in such time wasting affairs? What's with the society. In my olden days, I'm so fierce in badminton and canoeing. What about YOU! Relationship is so unproductive. I'm gonna enrol you in badminton! I don't care.
Wei Wen(Auntie): Haiya, let auntie(don't box me please) give you a word of advice. Relationship at your age don't last!
X: I only see you as friends
Bryan Lim(Crap Talker): Aiyo. Girls? Don't girls lah. Let's talk cock sing song play mahjong!
Jonathan Chng(Love Sage): Rejected? Just move on Kenneth. The forest's is big, why give up on them
Xavier(Critique): I don't understand why you people believe in something call chasing. I mean like, it's such a stupid thing. If there's mutual love, then you 2 will be together already. What's the basis behind this chase chase thing.
Wei Jia(Mr. Lame): Kenneth don't sad. The Healing Process starts with a lame joke!
Calista(the MOTHER): YOU REJECTED!? You dare to tell me you engaging in such time wasting affairs? What's with the society. In my olden days, I'm so fierce in badminton and canoeing. What about YOU! Relationship is so unproductive. I'm gonna enrol you in badminton! I don't care.
Wei Wen(Auntie): Haiya, let auntie(don't box me please) give you a word of advice. Relationship at your age don't last!
X: I only see you as friends
Labels: Only in Threatres: Corny Love