This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 8:46 PM
Thanks people. Now I have something which I could call Sword! Arise, Anduril! Flame of the West! Do you know the feeling of holding something which you can call your own, without the feeling of having it taken away from you someday. Thanks for the racket. I'm gonna wield it ! I'm gonna wield it like the witchking of Angmar(I like this alias best). 
HAHA! I think it's going to be quite a joke if I meet my badminton opponent while wielding the racket like that.I'm gonna strike fear in my opponent's hearts. Anyway its mine!! I'm gonna wield it how I want it to. Thanks Dedrick, Jun De, Arif. You guys made my day and ended my long awaited expectations of a gift. I don't know what else to say. Like what I told Jun De, the expectation turned into false hope turned into disappointment, and suddenly the racket appeared like a sunrise after the age of nightmare. So now, yes! I'm complete! Meet me! The witchking of Punggol. !
Anyway. Badminton is fun as always. Now that I have my gear, it's time to look for grips and restrings service... ... And most importantly. I'm now put in a crossroad between my friend's Titanium Mesh, and my newfound sword Muscle Power 15. To the canoeist, I always tell them, whatever you do, believe in your own paddle. It doesn't matter if its a Jantex, Braca, or G-Power. Your paddle have gone through as much as you have gone through. When the time call for it, your paddle will bring you through. As long as you grip upon your paddle, and your boat, you're gonna stand your ground, and no other superior specimen is going to move you.
And now for the Titanium Mesh, and the Muscle Power 15, Titanium may be a more superior specimen, but the Power Muscle 15 is a condensed version of all the effort, heart and brotherhood. Up against Titanium, Arc Saber, and bah bah bah. YOU'RE ALL GOING DOWN!
Thanks my friends.
I don't know what to say

HAHA! I think it's going to be quite a joke if I meet my badminton opponent while wielding the racket like that.I'm gonna strike fear in my opponent's hearts. Anyway its mine!! I'm gonna wield it how I want it to. Thanks Dedrick, Jun De, Arif. You guys made my day and ended my long awaited expectations of a gift. I don't know what else to say. Like what I told Jun De, the expectation turned into false hope turned into disappointment, and suddenly the racket appeared like a sunrise after the age of nightmare. So now, yes! I'm complete! Meet me! The witchking of Punggol. !
Anyway. Badminton is fun as always. Now that I have my gear, it's time to look for grips and restrings service... ... And most importantly. I'm now put in a crossroad between my friend's Titanium Mesh, and my newfound sword Muscle Power 15. To the canoeist, I always tell them, whatever you do, believe in your own paddle. It doesn't matter if its a Jantex, Braca, or G-Power. Your paddle have gone through as much as you have gone through. When the time call for it, your paddle will bring you through. As long as you grip upon your paddle, and your boat, you're gonna stand your ground, and no other superior specimen is going to move you.
And now for the Titanium Mesh, and the Muscle Power 15, Titanium may be a more superior specimen, but the Power Muscle 15 is a condensed version of all the effort, heart and brotherhood. Up against Titanium, Arc Saber, and bah bah bah. YOU'RE ALL GOING DOWN!
Thanks my friends.
I don't know what to say