This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
For Warcraft!
Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 7:09 PM

Omg I'm such a big fan of Warcraft. I spent my weekend chionging those books. I finished 3 books, and I'm proud to say

(1) Of Blood and Honour
(2) The Age of the Dragons
(3) Lord Of The Clans

Moving on next.
(4) The Last Guardian.

Hoho. The Lord Of The Clan talks about the tale of a Shamanistic way of life. Upon consideration, it isn't a bad idea, the way of tapping the element of nature, of Wind, of Earth, Of Fire, Of The Wild. As magic to spellcaster is called Spells, magic to a Shaman is called Calls. You can't demand nature to cast magic, but you can ask of it and give reasons to convince. There are times when the elements would not heed to you as it is not for a greater good, but rather destruction. A Give and Take relationship with the nature, how nice is it? I hereby proclaim myself, Shaman Ken, a Shamanistic Ken. Those who opposed me shall be set ablaze by my "Calls". Omg. I'm mad.