This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College. The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
It is this day
Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 10:02 PM

There are days where men will hide in cowardice, for fear to face their own weakness, for fear to face the worst, but it is not this day

There are days when the establishment of humanity, of greatness, of excellence will collapse upon mankind, but it is not this day

For this day, we shall stand strong against what adversity or hardship that may come.
For it is this day that we shall face our bane(exams) and emerge stronger
For it is this day that we shall perform and truly find ourselves
For what you honor you may reap on the alien field(questions never seen before) that you never been on will be yours to keep forever.

