This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Grand Closure: Dreams
Monday, July 6, 2009 @ 9:12 PM

And actually, printing out the cards would not be possible without the help of the people at SimpleDigital, who tried their best to help us, and even offered to help us completely at no surcharge. They're the people who can actually realize my idea, for what would have been waste, and is so close to getting us in trouble. So very much a thank you to them, and everyone who have contributed to the idea - Ignatius and Christine for taming the night with me with endless assistance, Wei Wen for the box whch can literally qualify her for Queen Box. So actually this sets the foundation of building today's topic: Dreams.
In this context, I meant dream as ideas, ideas that we have no definite way of constructing and creating, neither do we know where to start. I have set my foot on many dreams before, setting on tasks with many possibilities unconsidered and unaccounted for. After so many experience, I know deep down that I'm not the type who can foresee problems, but from that flaw I have realized that my strength lies in the ability to generate a clear outlook of the requirements and the steps. I know I'm not the type who can convince people, because I'm simply not the type who can persuade people that I can solve the problem that are foreseen, worst, I don't foresee any problem at all, and sadly, I don't agree with what most people see as problems, rather a baseless anxiety, or plainly - excuses. "Why do people have to consider so much, plaguing themselves with problems, and limitations. Why can't they just give it a try first." Maybe this behavior stems from human's innate instinct of not being able to withstand disappointment, made worse by the fact that we expect a lot with very little. I know, and I understand, how deep my flaw runs. In this case, the Cards, I haven't yet accounted for the fact that if the Cards can't be made. I made my dear friends stayed up for nothing, on no reasons of success. Sometimes it made me feel like the world most terrible person, that I can afford to sacrifice those whom I called closest to me on a deed that can't be backed by warranted infereneces of success. But to stick by common gift, cliche, dimes a dozen and mass produced products, what more can I choose?
I have to say as I feel as if I'm very selfish... ... what if the 2 person didn't act to help us. I'm a selfish bastard indeed. Not as if I never failed before, but most of the time, when I fail, I failed alone, never before did I involve so many people in my calculations. Dreams... maybe in a last desperate attempt of comfort, maybe its the final enforcer of the creation of... great things that can exist? of human effort, of creation, of originality. Finally today has come to past, for me to part with this burden that has been lingering on. I'm a free man once again. I live once more!
(on this issue I guess I think a bit too much anyway...) Hoho !!
~Happy Birthday, Mr Chua & Wei Liat~
I don't know, but talking along this line, if Dreams were defined this way, then Love might just have been it. Love ~ a beautiful creation born out of uncertainty. It's beautiful isn't it? In return you must pay the price to walk the criteria of dreams, of doubts and uncertainty.
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