This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Farewell, farewell
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 9:13 PM
Am I being too sensitive? or things really is that way. People seem to be increasingly disagreeing and bias. Lame stuff that I said, no 1 notices. When other people bought up the same joke, it creates so much laughter. The same thing that I mention, no 1 listens, but when mentioned by someone else, people stand by them. And all the things that I'm noticed for, it's for the bad things, and most of the time, it's out of the blue. It's starting to get a bit cold somehow. At its fundamental, it shouldn't be too much of a concern, but when those people happen to be those close to you, things get rough. Either way, I can't be bothered already.
(Mood Fast Forward)
Farewell was good. I think the most happening event was the dodgeball! I had a lot of fun and excitement dodging. Being able to dodge a risky 1 gives me high aldrenaline rush. And being ousted out is just the incentive to make it even more exciting. That's supposedly the 1st and the last farewell in my CCA career. it's really one of the event that I really have nothing to say. I'm just lost for words. I guess those people who have precious CCA before, they can just say, old things don't go new things don't come. They can look forward to their next CCA and start a new career and a new journey. For mine, I guess it's the last and goodbye. I doubt University will be like government school from Primary to JC. Oh well, having live through it once is enough. It's better to have live and lost, than never to have live at all
And thanks to the team for getting me such a lovely bag. Sorry my condition gave you all so much trouble. Haha. It wasn't a condition. it is just a passing remark. I shall remember anyway not to say anyting specified before such event again. Thanks. It's really been a very happening week. And thanks Calista, for dedicating a special portion on the video for me. For one, it meant a lot. For two, I have more channels to look at myself beside the mirror. HAHA! It's just a passing remark, I'm not "that" vain.
So well. Before it's the start of another mugging week, let me just say, thanks to everyone involved. Things won't be possibly with the absence of any one of you. Farewell, farewell.
And I have always dreamed of wielding a sword to cut down my enemies. This is a nice picture. Thanks Winnie for taking it for me. Thanks Calista for uploading. I'm gonna stand like that, I'm gonna stand my ground to every adversity I faced. FEEL, MY, RESOLVE.
(Mood Fast Forward)
Farewell was good. I think the most happening event was the dodgeball! I had a lot of fun and excitement dodging. Being able to dodge a risky 1 gives me high aldrenaline rush. And being ousted out is just the incentive to make it even more exciting. That's supposedly the 1st and the last farewell in my CCA career. it's really one of the event that I really have nothing to say. I'm just lost for words. I guess those people who have precious CCA before, they can just say, old things don't go new things don't come. They can look forward to their next CCA and start a new career and a new journey. For mine, I guess it's the last and goodbye. I doubt University will be like government school from Primary to JC. Oh well, having live through it once is enough. It's better to have live and lost, than never to have live at all
And thanks to the team for getting me such a lovely bag. Sorry my condition gave you all so much trouble. Haha. It wasn't a condition. it is just a passing remark. I shall remember anyway not to say anyting specified before such event again. Thanks. It's really been a very happening week. And thanks Calista, for dedicating a special portion on the video for me. For one, it meant a lot. For two, I have more channels to look at myself beside the mirror. HAHA! It's just a passing remark, I'm not "that" vain.
So well. Before it's the start of another mugging week, let me just say, thanks to everyone involved. Things won't be possibly with the absence of any one of you. Farewell, farewell.
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