This blog is created to honour the end of my Nationals Inter-School Canoe Championship 2009 and the end of a Canoeist Career in Junior College.
The 1st few post will be dedicated towards the setting up of this blog and will convey my thoughts and feeling over the 4 days event to honour the Sports
which I really believe in, fought for, bleed for and gave my life to.
Let's Look Out For The Sun
Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 6:34 PM
Let's Look Out For The Sun
As we live life, we tend to forget a lot of things that we've learn past. There are things that are taught by our mothers since we're young. Cliche phrases like, "everyday is a new day", "nothing is impossible" and "Child. Mom thinks you're the STRONGEST" ... ... and we naively believe them. Haha! I would like to ask, EXCUSE ME. WHERE HAVE THOSE DAYS GONE TO !?!?!?
After 17 years I realised that the Earth is still equally polluted, humans as selfish, the seawater remains salty and the poles of the Earth remains cold. Like Captain Jack Sparrow said, "It's not the world that have changed, the world is still the same." We have changed. Perhaps we get so busy and immersed in our stressful lifestyle that we can fail to realise sun rise one day, that we have failed to realise the existence of the sun that has been always shining, and giving us moral support half of the time. How many times have we complain that people don't appreciate our help when we don't appreciate how much moral support that the sun gave us, and how much nourishment water has provided us. I DECLARED : It's time to be grateful and appreciate them, we can show that we're grateful by being a bit happier.
Does this post sounds a bit happier? Many people have been approaching me that all my post are very emotional. If it's so then you audience are horribly wrong. I'm very happy while writing out those(some). I'm happy dude. I out of the emotional enclave, or gettos or whatever you call it. It's about time i take out and breathe in some fresh air, along with my fair share of lame jokes.
Here's one original from me. It came up impromptu while having a chat with my friend about friendship hierarchy/pyramid

Oh and other lame joke before I forgot. Marine Barrage. At the scene where the Marina Dam is built.
Ken: Mr Khor, why you never tell that piece of building to mind your language.
Mr Khor: What are you talking about. Why?
Ken: It's a (DAM)N
Mr Khor: Whaha! Lame Joke! Lame Joke!
Ken: -.-""""""""" !!! (what the..?)
Cheh. That's all. Those are originals. I'm gonna try a bit happier. Emo = Can't think of Cold Jokes.
After 17 years I realised that the Earth is still equally polluted, humans as selfish, the seawater remains salty and the poles of the Earth remains cold. Like Captain Jack Sparrow said, "It's not the world that have changed, the world is still the same." We have changed. Perhaps we get so busy and immersed in our stressful lifestyle that we can fail to realise sun rise one day, that we have failed to realise the existence of the sun that has been always shining, and giving us moral support half of the time. How many times have we complain that people don't appreciate our help when we don't appreciate how much moral support that the sun gave us, and how much nourishment water has provided us. I DECLARED : It's time to be grateful and appreciate them, we can show that we're grateful by being a bit happier.
Does this post sounds a bit happier? Many people have been approaching me that all my post are very emotional. If it's so then you audience are horribly wrong. I'm very happy while writing out those(some). I'm happy dude. I out of the emotional enclave, or gettos or whatever you call it. It's about time i take out and breathe in some fresh air, along with my fair share of lame jokes.
Here's one original from me. It came up impromptu while having a chat with my friend about friendship hierarchy/pyramid

Oh and other lame joke before I forgot. Marine Barrage. At the scene where the Marina Dam is built.
Ken: Mr Khor, why you never tell that piece of building to mind your language.
Mr Khor: What are you talking about. Why?
Ken: It's a (DAM)N
Mr Khor: Whaha! Lame Joke! Lame Joke!
Ken: -.-""""""""" !!! (what the..?)
Cheh. That's all. Those are originals. I'm gonna try a bit happier. Emo = Can't think of Cold Jokes.